May 2023 Agenda Annual Parish Meeting
Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council
17th May 2023
Annual Parish Meeting
Tuesday 30th May
Scopwick Village Hall 7:00pm
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday 30th May 2023, in Scopwick Village Hall, commencing at 7:00pm.
All interested parties are welome to attend.
1. Welcome from the Chairman.
2. To approve the minutes of the previous Annual Parish Meeting, held on Tuesday 17th May 2022.
3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Meeting, held on Wednesday 13th April 2023.
4. To approve the minutes of the Parish Meeting, held on Wednesday 22nd February 2023.
5. To approve the minutes of the Parish Meeting, held on Tuesday 16th November 2021.
6. To receive an un-audited statement of income and expenditure for the financial year 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023.
7. To receive annual reports from:
a. The Chairman
b. Lincolnshire County Councillor for Scopwick and Kirkby Green
c. North Kesteven District Councillors for Scopwick and Kirkby Green
d. Lincolnshire Police
8. Public Forum
Residents of Spilsby may ask questions or raise issues that relate to the local community.
The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity for residents of Scopwick and Kirkby Green to raise any matters relating to the local community. It would be helpful to have written notice of any matters to be raised but it is not essential.
Only registered electors of Scopwick and Kirkby Green will be entitled to vote at the meeting.