Report from the Neighbourhood Planning Group on the results of the recent survey with parish residents regarding future housing development

A big thank you to all of those who completed and returned the questionnaire seeking your views and comments regarding the proposed allocation of sites for residential development within the two villages.

285 questionnaires were delivered to, as far as the group are aware, all occupied dwellings in the Parish. A total of 90 were returned either in hard copy form or online of which 6 emanated from 3 households and there were 3 where no name was stated, and it is probable that 2 of those were from the same household. Therefore, the return rate per household is 30.1%. Given the nature of the exercise the Neighbourhood Planning Group (NPG) considers this an excellent response.

Regarding the sites upon which residents were asked to state whether they were very satisfied, satisfied, neither satisfied or dissatisfied, dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their proposed allocation for development the outcome was as follows
VS/S            NSD        D/VD
SCOP  3/4            57                12            12         (%VS/S 70.3%)     (% not opposed 85.1%)
SCOP      7           55                12            13        (%VS/S 68.7%)     (% not opposed 83.75%)
SCOP9/10/11       45                20            15        (%VS/S 56.2%)     (% not opposed 81.25%)
SCOP 18              43                16            20         (%VS/S 54.4%)     (% not opposed  74.7% ) 
KG6                      49                20            13         (%VS/S 59.7%)    (%  not opposed   84.1%)    
a)The results are provisional pending receipt of 1 outstanding questionnaire  

b) The totals above do not equate to 90 as some respondents did not answer all or any of the relevant questions.

Many residents added comments either site specific or general. These were generally constructive and helpful . High on the list of concerns related to drainage and sewage disposal and how new development might impact on that together with a general desire to ensure the provision of low cost and affordable dwellings.
The response of the  NPG to the general areas of concern are as follows (Please note the comments below  have been edited, amalgamated where similar  and  generalised to ensure the authors cannot be identified)

Comment- Inadequate parking for the number of houses shown in the indicative plan provided by  the landowner. 
Response -The plan is indicative only but the proposal appears to provide adequate on site parking, and “over spill “ onto Heath Road appears unlikely given individual unit direct access onto the B1189 is not envisaged.
Comment- Fewer, larger houses, would be appropriate for this land.
Response -This is not a view shared by most respondents who consider the village requires smaller, more affordable properties rather than more large dwellings.
Comment The development as proposed would be prohibitively  expensive and would deter developers. A cul-de-sac arrangement would be better. 
Response. The design code report provided by Aecom advises against cul-de -sac development wherever possible. This is a view shared by the NPG and many respondents.
Comment-The development would result in loss of views from existing properties.
Response-The Neighbourhood plan will contain policies aimed at ensuring new development is in sympathy with the rural aspect of the village and will aim to safeguard important views. However, it is inevitable that there will be some impact upon existing views wherever new homes are built.
Comment. What use will the land on the corner of the B1189 and B1188 be put and who will maintain it?
Response . It is envisaged that the views of the residents will be sought as to the use to which the land will be put. It is likely it will be maintained by the Parish Council on behalf of residents.

Comment. Disturbance to the surface may result in increased Radon emissions and the site may be prone to surface water flooding.
Response . Before development could take place, the Local Planning authority would need to be satisfied on both points.
Comment. The former quarry is a haven for wild -life and should be protected.
Response. It is envisaged that the small number of dwellings proposed could be accommodated without detriment to wildlife. 
Comment. The site would be expensive to develop.
Response. This is a matter for the landowner and the market but is reflected in the type of dwellings envisaged. 
Comment. The site is underutilised under the existing proposal and should  be developed with affordable houses.
Response. The site is not considered suitable for affordable houses given the nature of the topography ,access etc   
Comment The development of the site would interfere with use of the playing field
Response. Any disruption is unlikely to be long lasting or significant. 

SCOP 9-11
Comment. There should be no further dwellings which require access from the B1188.
Response . The design codes and policies within the Neighbourhood Plan will seek to ensure that this does not happen. 
Comment. The development of the site will be too cramped with houses shoe-horned in.
Response. The design codes and policies within the Neighbourhood Plan will seek to ensure that any development of this site is appropriate for the village of Scopwick reflecting the rural setting and density of development.
Comment. The site has no obvious access and development would be prejudicial to Chapel house
Response. It is understood the chapel carpark is part of the land holding as is the field access. With careful design and the implementation of design codes and policies within the Neighbourhood Plan the impact on existing dwellings should be minimised.

Comment The development should be limited in extent and incorporate affordable/low cost housing.
Response. The proposal is to limit development to a maximum of 6 dwellings on the site with an element of low cost/affordable dwellings. 
General Observations
Comment. Concerns relating to the capacity of the main  sewer in Scopwick .
Response. The issue ,which is being addressed by Anglian water and the Environment Agency is one of ground water ingress to the sewer rather than one of capacity. It is considered that the impact on the capacity of the sewer by the  development envisaged would not make a significant difference to the foul water disposal problem . However any proposals for development will be assessed having regard to the position at the time of application.
Comment. Concerns relating to traffic in the village and the speed limit on the B1188
Response. The traffic volumes passing through the village on both the B1188 and B1189 are primarily externally generated, and it is not considered that the relatively small increase in housing numbers in the parish will significantly increase overall traffic volumes.
The speed limit on the B1188  is a matter which the Parish council has been pursuing and which is currently under consideration by the Highway Authority. It is not a matter within the scope of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Comment. No development should be permitted until there are more facilities in the village.
Response. This is a chicken and egg situation. There is unlikely to be additional facilities in the village without a higher number of residents to support them and in any event under the current Central Lincolnshire Local Plan no development is not an option nor would such a scenario provide the lower cost homes the residents feel are required.
Comment. The Limes site should be developed before other sites are considered.
Response. The Limes Site is currently the subject of pre -application advice for redevelopment as a site for supported living and is therefore not available as a site for the building of standard dwellings
Comment Why has KG4 been selected as a development site and a site for community land?
Response . It hasn’t . The landowner did suggest this, but it is not the intention of the Parish Council to allocate any part of KG4  for development in the Neighbourhood Plan. There was no indication in the comments by residents in Kirkby Green that the proposal by the landowner had support in the village  rather there were a number  of comments opposing it.  

Next Steps
The consultation on the proposed site allocations provided clear evidence of support for the proposals put forward by the parish council and the sites identified will now be incorporated in the draft Neighbourhood Plan which will then be subject to further resident consultation. Thereafter the plan will be  forwarded to North Kesteven District Council for  formal consultation and consideration by an inspector. Finally, when it has been through this process and amended as necessary it will be for you the residents to vote upon whether to adopt it or not,

Thank you again for your comments and for completing the consultation exercise.

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Neighbourhood Planning Group


Published: Thursday, 29th April 2021