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The Design Code will form an overarching design framework for Central Lincolnshire for new development to follow, underneath which more detailed rules could be prepared for specific areas or sites.

The Central Lincolnshire Local Plans Team is preparing a design code for Central Lincolnshire.
This will set out clear design requirements for new development to meet to ensure new buildings
and spaces are designed to a high standard.
Getting the views of the community is vital to making sure the code represents your views in what
makes design good in Central Lincolnshire. There will be three main stages where local
communities can get involved. After each stage, the Local Plans Team will report the key findings
and what this means for the design code.
The first round of community engagement is open until Tuesday 22nd October 2024.
You can learn more and have your say by visiting our website https://plans-central-

There are two surveys in the consultation. In survey one, you can identify what you think is special
about where you live or work in Central Lincolnshire and what you think works well in terms of the
design of buildings, streets and spaces. By putting a pin on a map of where you want to tell us
about, and possibly attaching a photo, you can easily send us your thoughts. We would also like to
hear about what you think doesn't work so well and how it could be improved in the future. You can
submit as many suggestions as you want.
The link to the first survey is: https://arcg.is/Tm5ne0
The second survey seeks your views on some of the key parts of the code. It is hoped that the
responses to this more detailed survey will help inform what the code should cover and the core
principles that it should follow.
The link to the second survey is: https://arcg.is/DzDPe


Published: Thursday, 19th September 2024