May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting 2019

14th May 2019, Scopwick Village Hall


Councillors: Philip Baumber (Chair), Janet Flett, Tim Banks, Alistair Brackenbury, John Money, Owen Davies.

Minutes taken by Joe Kennard

1    Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair

(a)    Cllr Baumber was appointed as Chair of the Parish Council for the council year 2019/20. He signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

(b)    Cllr Flett was appointed as Vice-Chair of the Parish Council for the council year 2019/20. She signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

2    Apologies for absence.

Cllr David Nelson.

3    Appointment to Parish Council Committees and Local Groups

(a)    Cllr Nelson was appointed as Chair of the Playing Field Committee.

(b)    All Councillors were appointed to the Planning Committee.

(c)    Cllrs Money and Davies were appointed to the Neighbourhood Planning Committee.

(d)    Cllr Flett was appointed to represent the Parish Council on the Village Hall Committee.

4    Areas  of  Interest were identified and allocated as follows:

(a)    Highways and footpaths – Cllr Nelson and Cllr Money.

(b)    Maintenance of grass, trees and hedges - Cllr Baumber.

(c)    Traffic and road safety – Cllr Brackenbury

(d)    Risk Assessment and health and safety – Cllr Banks.

5    Review of policies and procedures.

The Parish Council reviewed and adopted the following policies and procedures for the council year 2019/20:

(a)    Standing Orders

(b)    Financial Regulations

(c)    Code of Conduct

(d)    Risk Management Policy

(e)    Complaints Policy

(f)    Data Protection and Information Security Policy

(g)    Grants Policy.

6    Finance.

(a)    A financial summary for the year 2018/19 was circulated together with a copy of the information in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19.  The Internal
Auditor, John Wood, completed an audit of the accounts of the Parish Council on the 9/5/18 and certified that the control objectives were being achieved throughout the financial year to a standard adequate to meet the needs of the authority.

(b)    The Annual Governance Statement for the financial year 2018/19 was approved and the Chair of the Parish Council signed section 1.

Minutes submitted by:
Jill Moran, Parish Clerk. Dorset House, Vicarage Lane, Scopwick. Tel: 07512 234965. Email: