March 2021 Agenda

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council

To All Councillors: You are summoned to attend the next meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 30th March at 7.00pm via the internet or by telephone using Zoom.  The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.

Members of the public may view the meeting but can only speak by prior arrangement with the Clerk. Any member of the public wishing to view this meeting can do so by using the following Zoom link: .  If you experience problems joining the meeting or wish to speak at a future meeting please contact the Clerk via email (

Jules Wilkins
Parish Clerk
24th March 2021    


1.    Welcome by Chairman of Parish Council

2.    To resolve to accept apologies for absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85 (1)

3.    To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations    

4.    Notes of the 24th November 2020 and 26th January 2021 to be approved as the Minutes. 

5.    Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Report

6.    Clerks Report:
(a)    Matters Outstanding 
(b)    Village Hall Committee Report
(c)    Playing Field Committee Report
(d)    Community Speed Watch Report
(e)    Police Report 
(f)    District and County Councillor(s) Reports
(g)    Clerks Items for Noting

7.     Financial Matters:
(a)    To approve accounts summary and payments 

8.     Planning Matters:
        (a)    To note new planning applications and decisions since last meeting

9.     Correspondence:
        (a)    to note general correspondence since last meeting

10    Matters for Resolution:
(a)        Financial Regulations review – Draft document for approval
(b)        Village newsletter – Discussion and decision regarding future newsletters and funding
(c)        Future Parish Council meetings - Discussion and decision regarding Parish Meeting on 18th     May and future Parish Council meetings and meeting papers.

11.    The next Parish Council meeting is the Annual Parish Council Meeting and will be held following the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 18th May 2021. The meeting will be held in either the village hall or online if Covid restrictions remain in place.