January 2021 Budget Minutes
Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council held on 12th January 2021 at 7pm. The meeting was held online.
Cllr Philip Baumber (chairman), Cllr Janet Flett (vice chairman), Cllr Tim Banks, Cllr Alistair Brackenbury, Cllr Owen Davies and Cllr David Nelson
In attendance: Jules Wilkins (Clerk and Proper Officer)
1. Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman welcomed Councillors to the meeting and issued a correction to the agenda in that items (a) and (b) attached to agenda item 5 should have been attached to agenda item 4 and remaining agenda item renumbered. The agenda has been corrected and republished on the website.
2. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Money.
3. Declarations of Interest
Declarations of interest were made as follows:
Cllrs Flett, Banks and Nelson have an interest in the budget allocated to the village hall due to their or their spouse’s role on the Village Hall Committee.
Cllrs Banks and Davies have an interest in the Kirkby Green churchyard contract as members of the Parochial Church Council.
Cllr Nelson has an interest in the budget allocated to the playing field due to his role as Chair of the Playing Field Committee.
4. Matters for Resolution
(a) Kirkby Green churchyard grass cutting contract
Three bids for the contract were displayed to the Councillors and a discussion took place. Cllr Davies proposed that the contract be awarded to Martin Rear due to his good reputation in the local area and competitive price. Cllr Banks seconded the proposal and it was unanimously RESOLVED by those present that the contract be awarded to Mr Rear.
(b) 2021/22 Budget and precept requirement
The Chairman introduced the budget papers and all present confirmed they had read and understood them. The meeting then considered each budget line proposed for 2021/22.
All budget lines proposed were agreed with the exception of:
Training Costs - the Clerk requested that members consider increasing the budget to allow the Clerk to complete the CiLCA professional qualification in 2021/22. Cllr Banks proposed that the budget be increased by the required amount and Cllr Nelson seconded the proposal. It was RESOLVED to increase the budget by £800.
Trees and Hedges – members discussed the potential cost of tree works identified in the NKDC Tree Survey and required in the next 12 months and the planting of new trees to replace those felled in 2019/20. The Chairman proposed that any budget surplus at the end of 2020/21 be carried forward to 2021/22 towards the cost of tree planting. Cllr Nelson proposed that £500 be added to the 2021/22 budget to ensure that sufficient funds for required tree works is maintained.
It was RESOLVED to carry forward the Trees and Hedges 2020/21 surplus and add £500 to the Trees and Hedges 2021/22 budget.
The Chairman checked that all members present were in agreement regarding the budget for 2021/22 and that the precept demand is adjusted to include the above adjustments. All members confirmed they agreed and the Clerk informed the meeting that adjusted budget and precept documents will be issued with the minutes.
10. Next Meeting Date
The Chairman informed members that the date published on the agenda was incorrect and the next meeting is on Tuesday 26th January 2021 (not 19th as stated on the agenda). This error has been corrected and the agenda republished on the website. Due to continuing Covid restrictions the meeting will take place online and will commence at 7pm.
Minutes submitted by:
Jules Wilkins, Clerk and Proper Officer. Email: clerkscopwick@gmail.com