July 2021 Minutes

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council

Held on 27th July 2021 at 7pm. The meeting was held in Scopwick Village Hall and online.

Cllr Philip Baumber (Chair), Cllr Janet Flett (Vice Chair), Cllr Tim Banks, Cllr David Nelson, District Cllr Jim Clarke, County Cllr Rob Kendrick.  Two members of the public attended the meeting.

In attendance: Jules Wilkins (Clerk and Proper Officer)

31/21.    Chairman’s welcome
Cllr Baumber welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced those present to the member of the public joining the meeting online.

32/21.    Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given
Apologies were received from Cllr Davies (due to a family commitment), Cllr Money (shielding due to caring responsibilities) and Cllr Clegg.  Cllr Baumber noted that Cllr Brackenbury was not present and apologies had not been received before the meeting. Clerks Note:  Cllr Brackenbury sent apologies via email at 17.02 but email did not arrive before meeting.

33/21.    Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Banks, Nelson and Flett declared an interest in agenda item 6(c) due to their own or relatives’ involvement with the Village Hall Committee.  Cllr Nelson declared an interest in agenda item 6 (d) as Chair of the Playing Field Committee.  Cllr Banks declared an interest in agenda item 8 (Planning Matters) due to his role with Blankney Estates.

34/21.    Minutes of previous meetings
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 25th May 2021 were accepted and it was RESOLVED to adopt the minutes as a true record. 

35/21.    Clerks Report
(a)    Matters Outstanding
There were no matters outstanding other than that at agenda item 10 (Matters for Resolution)

(b)    Neighbourhood Planning Group
A written update was received from the Chair of the NPG, Peter Reeds.  The final draft of the Neighbourhood Plan is being prepared and completion is anticipated shortly.  Following completion NKDC planners will undertake an environment assessment and informal overview of the content prior to the Plan being formally submitted for Regulation 14 consultation and inspection.

(c)    Village Hall Committee Report
A written submission was received from Cllr Flett, Chair of the Village Hall Committee (VHC).  The VHC AGM was held in June.  The hall has been open for regular user groups and a booked wedding but remains unavailable for private bookings until August.   Most groups have begun meeting and taken advantage of the subsidised hire rates made possible by grants.  External lighting has been fitted and the defibrillator cleaned.  The Clerk will now take responsibility for regular checks.  New equipment has been purchased including a loudspeaker and microphone for outdoor use and the handrails and railings have been refurbished as have the Scopwick noticeboard and nature information board by the beck.  Cllr Flett expressed her thanks to Tony and Wendy Stacy for undertaking the work on the noticeboards and the Parish Council RESOLVED that a letter of thanks be sent to the Stacys.

(d)    Playing Field Committee Report
A written update was received from the Clerk on behalf of the Chair of the Playing Field Committee, Cllr Nelson.  Following postponement of the of the Grand Opening on 26th June, a new date of 7th May 2022 has been identified.  Netting has been purchased to be placed behind the goal to protect the hedge and prevent balls from being damaged/lost. The new litter bin has been delivered and will be installed in due course.  A fund-raising Race Night is to be organised for 4th December 2021.

(e)    Community Speed Watch Report
Cllr Brackenbury supplied road safety (Speed Indication Device) statistics for April and May prior to the meeting.  The SID has been sited in Kirkby Green and will be moved to the B1188.  Cllr Baumber noted that the Parish Council look forward to seeing the statistics from the B1188 following the installation of the new 30mph speed limit.

(f)    Police Report 
The Clerk provided a written update regarding reported crime levels in the Sleaford Rural area.  Overall crime levels continued to drop in May (54 reports) with the most frequently reported being Violence and sexual offences (17), Anti-social behaviour (15), Criminal damage and arson (7) and Other theft (5).  Cllr Baumber expressed a concern that the highest levels of crime are violence and sexual offences.

(g)    District and County Councillor(s) Reports
Cllr Kendrick provided a County Council update including LCC promotion of the ‘what3words’ app, progress on the Pelham Bridge improvements, free litter picking kit available to hire from Metheringham library, recent performance regarding Children and Young People services and investments in road safety.  Cllr Flett queried progress regarding the request for LCC work-gangs to carry out work around the village.  Cllr Kendrick stated he would obtain an update.

Cllr Clarke provided a District Council update including environmental developments, results of local elections, Local Plan consultation, crime and mental health and finance.

Cllrs Kendrick and Clarke left the meeting.

(h)    Clerks Items for Noting
    The Clerk updated the meeting on the next issue of the Parish Council Newsletter due for publication at the end of September.  Members suggested additional content and Cllr Baumber requested any further ideas to be submitted to the Clerk.

36/21.   Financial Matters
(a)    To approve accounts summary and payments 

The members noted the budget statement and payments made since the last meeting:

24/05/21     Grass cutting April (CBGM)         £    225.00
24/05/21     Internal Audit (J Wood)                £      50.00
24/05/21    Insurance renewal (BHIB/Aviva)   £    422.00
31/05/21     Clerk’s salary May 2021              £    406.80
31/05/21     Clerk’s expenses Apr-May 2021 £      45.76
31/05/21     Grass cutting May (CBGM)         £    225.00
24/06/21     SPCC donation                           £ 1,100.00
24/06/21     Tree works (B&B Tree Sp)          £ 1,191.00    
30/06/21     Clerk’s salary June 2021            £    406.80
02/07/21    Litter bin (Glasdon UK)                £    952.36

It was RESOLVED to approve the following payments to be made before the next meeting:

13/07/21    Grass cutting June (CBGM)        £   520.00
31/07/21    Clerks Expenses Jun-Jul 2021    £     45.76
31/07/21    Clerks salary July 2021               £   406.80
01/08/21    Grass cutting July (CBGM)         £   520.00
31/08/21    Clerks salary August 2021          £   406.80
31/08/21    RoSPA Inspection                       £   100.00
01/09/21    Grass cutting August (CBGM)    £   120.00
01/09/21    Village Hall donation                  £1,250.00

Cllr Banks informed the meeting that the cup awarded for the Best Kept Garden needs replacing.  It was originally provided by the Parish Council and he proposed that funding be provided for the replacement.  Cllr Baumber stated that as the Village Hall Committee organised the competition as part of the Village Show there were insufficient members present to resolve the item at the meeting.  It was RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact all parish councillor regarding this purchase and the matter be resolved between meetings.

37/21.    Planning Matters
The following planning applications and updates since the last meeting were noted:

Proposed conversion of agricultural building to a dwelling - Beckside Barn Off Heath Road Scopwick Lincoln Lincolnshire  Ref. No: 21/0895/PNND | Received date: Thu 10 Jun 2021 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application 

T1 Orchard apple - Fell; T2 Ornamental plum - remove basal growth; G1 - 2x conifer - Fell; G2 - 4x Orchard Apples, 4x Pear, 4x Plum - maintenance pruning of fruit trees comprising removal of dead, dying, diseased and crossing branches, crown reduction (by shortening of leaders and laterals) in order to improve fruit yields and manage size of trees; G3 - Small stand of wild and ornamental plums. Reduce by 1m in height in order to maintain shape and size. - 34 Brookside Scopwick Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 3PA  Ref. No: 21/0865/TCA | Received date: Mon 07 Jun 2021 | Status: Pending Decision | Case Type: TPO Modified Approval.

Application for a non-material amendment (change of colour of proposed window from cream to grey) following the grant of planning permission 20/1205/HOUS- Proposed rear single storey extension, loft conversion, internal alterations, repairs/rebuild sections to boundary wall and demolition of the existing conservatory - 1 Farriers Court Scopwick Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 3PL Ref. No: 21/0709/PNMAT | Received date: Fri 07 May 2021 | Status: Prior Approval Not Required | Case Type: Planning Application 

38/21.    Correspondence
        No items of note received since last meeting

39/21.    Matters for Resolution
(a)    Bus Shelter
Cllr Flett updated the group on the condition of the bus shelter on Heath Road.  The inside is regularly flooded due to the raised pavement and the shelter requires work or replacement.  The Clerk informed the group that grant money is available for such work and it was RESOLVED to make enquiries regarding levelling up the ground to prevent flooding and undertake general upkeep before any discussion regarding a replacement shelter.

(b)    Scopwick Church Wall
Cllr Flett expressed a concern about the state of the wall fronting onto the pavement at Scopwick church.  Cllr Davies provided an update prior to the meeting that the grounds of the churchyard are the responsibility of NKDC and that annual safety inspections are carried out by the district council.  NKDC are awaiting funding to undertake repairs.  The Clerk identified that it may be possible to access the LCC Social Value Volunteering Days to provide the labour to do the work if NKDC could fund the materials and provide equipment.  It was RESOLVED that the Clerk will email NKDC and Cllr Clarke regarding the condition of the wall and remind Cllr Davies to follow up before the next Parish Council meeting.

(c)    Queen’s Green Canopy Scheme and Queen’s Jubilee Beacons
Information regarding the Queen’s Green Canopy Scheme and Jubilee Beacons was provided to Councillors prior to the meeting.  It was RESOLVED that an event will be held on the Queen’s Jubilee weekend (2nd-5th June 2022) and the beacon will be lit.  It was also RESOLVED that Cllr Nelson would explore suitable sites and varieties for a tree to be planted and report at the next meeting.  It was further RESOLVED that the Clerk would provide information to Cllr Nelson regarding plaques for the commemorative tree.
(d)    GDPR Policies
The Clerk provided a suite of policies and procedures prior to the meeting that will ensure the Council fully complies with GDPR.  It was RESOLVED to approve the policies for publication on the Parish Council website.

40/21.    Date of Next Meeting
    The next meeting will be held at 7pm on 28th September 2021 in the Village Hall.

Minutes submitted by:
Jules Wilkins, Clerk and Proper Officer.                 Email: clerkscopwick@gmail.com