May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Annual Parish Meeting held on 17th May 2022. The meeting was held in Scopwick Village Hall

Parish Councillors Present:

Cllr Baumber ( Chair) Cllr Flett, Cllr Nelson, Cllr Brackenbury, Cllr Banks

1.    Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Baumber opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking them for attending the Annual Parish Meeting.

Apologies had been received from Cllr Money and Cllr Davies.

2.    Previous Minutes

The minutes of the last Annual Parish meeting held on 4th May 2021 via Zoom were approved by Joe Kennard and seconded by Cllr Banks as a true and accurate record.

3.    Chairman’s Report 2022

Cllr Baumber expressed his gratitude to the members of the public attending and how pleased he was to be able to meet in the hall as last year the meeting had to take place via Zoom. The Chairman gave a report on the activities of the Parish Council since the last Parish Meeting.

There had been a lot of housekeeping during the year ensuring paperwork, documents and commitments were all meeting legal requirements and good practice. During the year we had been sorry to receive the resignation of the Parish Clerk and had interviewed and appointed a replacement, but the individual had failed to take up the role.

The defibrillator in Kirkby Green has been installed. Thanks to Heath Farm Energies for giving a grant to support the provision and to Gary Swan for working to prepare the old phone box and make it a smart and suitable place for installation.

Work has continued to maintain the natural rural appearance of the village. A survey by the tree officer from NKDC has helped the planning of future maintenance. A number of trees have been planted including one for the Queen’s Green Canopy.

During the year the Parish Council had produced two well received newsletters which had been distributed to every home in the Parish. We hope that this and the regular posting of information on the noticeboards has kept engaged with our activities.

Cllr Flett provided an update on the Village Hall. The hall is a registered charity and the management committee are very grateful for the annual grant received from the Parish Council. During Lockdown and Covid restrictions we had to close the hall except for the weekly check required by our insurers. This meant we had no income but still had our regular standing charges. We spent a lot of time completing application forms for grants and, I am pleased to say, we qualified for them all. This not only allowed us to meet our financial commitments but when reopening, we were able to offer free and later subsidised lettings to encourage attendance. Other grants allowed us to deliver Christmas cheer bags and Easter goodies to those in need of a boost. We are a popular venue for weddings and other private bookings with everyone appreciating the standard of facilities and the reasonable letting charges. In the last year we have bought a projector and screen, an outdoor sound system and new cutlery. We have also installed new security lights, some motion- sensor lights, a new lock and a post box.

Cllr Brackenbury reported that the Community Speed Watch volunteers had been busy around the village. The speed of vehicles always peaks late evening and early morning. Although the average speed through the village has reduced somewhat the worst offending sites are Main Street, Heath Road and the B1188 coming from the north. The junction from Main Street onto the 1188 had become less dangerous since the bridge head had been moved.

Cllr Nelson reported on the Playing Field Committee. The grand opening of the new equipment had finally happened. Thanks were given to all the sponsors who had made this possible and to the committee and volunteers who fund raised. The facility is well used by villagers and visitors and there are hopes that additional adult fitness equipment may be installed. Following the opening it had been decided that a first aid box would be present at any future outdoor organised event.

Proposed development of the Limes

The chairman acknowledged that there had been a community meeting which members of the PC had attended. We had also received copies of the minutes. He invited comments from the public. There was concern over the lack of affordable housing within the plan and the fact that the Neighbourhood Plan had recommended. Cllr Nelson explained that the NP has not been adopted yet.

Opinions were that the houses were too big, too tall, and too densely packed on the site. There was desire to keep the character of Main Street. Although it has been said it is of no historical interest, it is of importance to the village and it should be protected. There was an enquiry as to whether a protection order can be applied for retrospectively.

4.    Members of the public raised the following issues:

A request for better speed signage and an extension to the 30 mph speed limit from Kirkby Green to Scopwick with no unlimited area in between. Could there be more volunteers in the Speed Watch so they could be present more often.

A request for assurance that when risk assessment indicates the need, a first aid box will be present at village events.
A challenge on provision of affordable housing within the villages.

Cllr Baumber closed the meeting by thanking everyone for their attendance questions and contributions to discussion.

Minutes compiled by Cllr Janet Flett Date 17th May 2022