July 2024 Minutes DRAFT

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council



The minutes of the full Council meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council, held on Tuesday 30th July 2024 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held in Scopwick Village Hall. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.



Cllrs M Williams (Chair), J Flett (Vice-Chair), P Baumber, O Davies, P Frost, and C Kerrigan; and Parish Clerk - J Sargent.


There were two members of the public in attendance. 


County Councillor R Kendrick

County Councillor R Kendrick provided a monthly report, circulated via email.


District Councillor A Bailey

District Councillor A Bailey was not in attendance, and no written report received.


Public Forum

Resident 1 queried planning application 23/1283/FUL to develop land at Heath Road. Cllr Williams advised that this was discussed at a previous meeting, but no objections to the application were raised by the Parish Council but concerns were raised over run off water and drainage. The full Parish Council response can be found on NKDC’s planning portal.


The resident suggested that there should be a full consultation with the community as planning has previously been refused in that area as the planning did not fit in with the current character of the village. The resident mentioned the requirement for social planning that was included in the Neighbourhood Plan and queried its inclusion in this application. The resident stressed that the unique character of the village should be maintained and criticised the use of fencing rather than hedging in a rural setting.


Cllr Williams mentioned that there was a large section of communal land included in the plan. The resident suggested that this was a suburban development rather than a rural development and encouraged the Parish Council to resist a suburban development.


Cllr Frost confirmed that the consultation period for the application ended on 24th July and no decision had been made on the application according to NKDC’s website.


Resident 2 would like confirmation on the responsibility of the culverts on Main Street as they appear to be blocked up. Cllr Kerrigan confirmed that they are the responsibility of LCC Highways. The Clerk to follow up with Highways to request cleaning to help the flow of water.


With no further matters, if was resolved unanimously to move into formal session.


  1. Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Williams opened the meeting welcoming everyone, thanked Councillors for their attendance, reminded Councillors to turn phone off or on silent and of emergency exits.


  1.  Apologies.

It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr D Nelson, and County Cllr R Kendrick.


  1.  Declaration of Interest.

None received.


  1.  To approve as a correct record the minutes of the full Council meeting held on 28th May 2024.

With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to adopt the minutes as a true and accurate record


  1. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the extraordinary Council meeting held on 19th June 2024.

With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to adopt the minutes as a true and accurate record.


  1.  To approve the record of accounts for:
    1. May
    2. June

With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the accounts for May and June.


  1.  To receive the bank reconciliation for:
    1. May
    2. June

The Clerk provided the bank reconciliation to keep Councillors up to date with the financial status of the Council, for information purposes only. 


  1. To receive an Income and Expenditure Summary for the first quarter of the financial year for:
    1. Treasurers Account
    2. Reserves Account.

The Clerk provided an Income and Expenditure Summary for the first quarter of the financial year to keep Councillors up to date with the financial status of the Council, for information purposes only. No questions were raised.


  1. To receive a Budget Review for the first quarter of the financial year.

The Clerk provided a Budget Review for the first quarter of the financial year to keep Councillors up to date with the financial status of the Council, for information purposes only. No questions were raised.


  1. To receive reports:
    1. Village Hall Committee

Cllr Flett report that the D-Day commemoration event was a great success and thanked the volunteers who helped. Cllr Flett also mentioned they received a large amount of publicity for the event. Cllr Flett advised that £250.00 had been allocated but would only request £150.00. The Clerk to arrange.


The Village Hall Committee held their AGM recently and have reappointed all officers, which included one resignation and one new member.


Other events included the General Election and a new sowing group. Car park signs are to be installed. Cllr Flett thanked volunteers for their efforts in making the hall and surrounding area looking tidy ahead of the summer show.


The Village Hall has had its 5-year electrical check and were hoping to carry out other maintenance to include repainting the walls and the floor. Cllr Flett commented that the quote for the floor seemed to be expensive but was done in 2016. Any maintenance would not be scheduled until October.


Cllr Baumber arrived at 7:25pm.


  1. Playing Field Committee

Cllr Nelson submitted apologies and reported ahead of the meeting that there was a repair made to the small gate.


Cllr Williams noted that it was looking much better and was being well used.


  1. Community Speed Watch

Cllr Frost reported that the group have been out 8 times recently across 4 locations, with approximately 2% of vehicles that were monitored were caught speeding, however, that is down from a similar time frame in the previous year from 4%.


The volunteer group has lost some members and appealed for new members. Cllr Frost noted that RAF Digby are yet to provide any volunteers.


The application for the speed limit extension up to Bloxholm Lane has not been decided on. LCC Highway require more data, as previous data collected had been corrupted. Cllr Frost expressed his disappointment at the speed of which LCC Highways were taking with this review.


  1. Environmental Report

Cllr Davies reported removing a felled tree in Kirkby Green churchyard.


  1. The Chairman

Cllr Williams thanked Cllr Baumber for is efforts in the grass cutting around the village. Cllr Baumber commented that it was a team effort.


  1. The Clerk

The Clerk reported attending training with only one further training session to attend over the next couple of months and the course work to be submitted soon for assessment. The Clerk also mentioned receiving a spam email from a member of the Village Hall Committee and recommended double checking the email address on suspicious emails.


  1. To consider installing a new bus shelter on Heath Road.

Cllr Williams advised receiving a request for a new bus shelter on Health Road on the opposite side of the road to the existing bus shelter as well as a request to carry out some maintenance on the existing bus shelter.


Cllr Flett advised a bus shelter had been considered previously but was not supported by the Parish Council as the residents did not want it. Cllr Baumber advised that there was a bus shelter there a long time ago and queried whether the bus shelter was the responsibility of the Parish Council. Cllr Baumber advised that ownership of land for a new bus shelter needs to be established. The Clerk to check the asset register.


Cllr Flett suggested that there was an issue with rainwater being diverted into the shelter because of the rise in the pavement for accessibility and needs to be resolved. Cllr Frost advised the shelter needs freshening up.


The Clerk advised reporting the existing bus shelter to the LCC Highways which has been added to their bus shelter survey list. The Clerk to follow up with LCC over the ownership of the land and whether a shelter could be installed.  


  1. To consider the grass cutting contract.

Cllr Williams advised only on quote had been received. The Clerk reported a second contractor who had shown interest would be unable to carry out works on verges adjacent to the roadside.


Cllr Williams advised the Clerk had approached over 10 different companies to quote for the works and mentioned a resident who is interested in taking on a multiyear contract with the Parish Council but would need to buy equipment. The resident would have to go through the normal tender process.


Cllr Baumber advised that a 3-year contract needs to be word correctly to protect both parties and mentioned that previously the Parish Council offered a 2-year contract with the option of a third year which offered greater flexibility.  Cllr Baumber suggested that there is no benefit to the Parish Council in offering a long-term contract if the contractor is not carrying out the works correctly. Cllr Baumber mentioned spending 6 hours cutting the grass around the village to help with the handover to a new contractor.  


Cllr Kerrigan suggested carrying on until March 2025 using the volunteers.


Cllr Baumber queried the Clerk’s approach to contractors regarding the wording, in respect of the condition in which the village would be in, and recommended explaining that the village is tidy thanks to volunteers and advised inviting the contractors to view the village.  


Cllr Baumber advised the quote received did not breakdown a price per cut, lacked a description, nor did it acknowledge we were halfway through the year and queried how it would affect the budget. The Clerk advised that for grass cutting £6,000 had been budgeted for. Cllr Baumber advised going out to re-tender.


 Cllr Baumber also noted that the hedge around the playing field needs to be cut much lower and asked the Clerk to notify the tree officer that some trees will be pruned for health and safety.


Cllr Williams noted his thanks to the volunteers as asked if Cllr Baumber would like a contribution to fuel costs. Cllr Baumber declined and suggested funds should be donated somewhere in the community such as the Village Hall.  


Cllr Davies advised that the playing field is covered by too much mown material and recommended that it is raked off. Cllr Baumber advised that a cut and collect mower would be £250 a day. Cllr Williams advised he has a mower that can collect the cutting but would need help with the disposal.


  1. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or amendments.

The Clerk advised of three planning notifications that were circulated prior to the meeting. 24/0866/TPO Tree Preservation Order T1 - Sycamore, to reduce the height of the Sycamore by at least 8ft and reduce the lateral spread towards the house on the south side by at least 6ft. Comments were circulated via email and relayed to NKDC.


24/0524/PNMAT - noted that the scaled back amendments now seek to retain the dwelling broadly in the same location as previously approved as well as the proposed roof materials being retained as per what was originally approved. As such, NKDC concluded that the scaled back amendments could be treated as a non-material amendment.


23/1283/FUL Land At Heath Road were revisions to proposed layout including provision of two pedestrian crossing points on Heath Road and proposed tactile crossing on B1188.


  1. To consider a response to Springwell Solar Farm.

Cllr Baumber declared a pecuniary interest in this item, so Cllr Kerrigan recommended moving it to the end of the end agenda.


  1. To consider a contribute to the Royal British Legion for Remembrance Day Wreaths.

It was resolved unanimously to purchase wreaths for Remembrance Day from the Royal British Legion.


  1. To consider a schedule of regular payments (as per the financial regulations).

The Clerk explained that this was a requirement within the new Financial Regulations and that the list can be amended throughout the year. It was resolved unanimously to approve the regular payments schedule tabled.


  1. To consider a response to LCC regarding the kerbing project around the village green.

The Clerk has requested a meeting with LCC to discuss the project, yet to be scheduled.


Cllr Flett suggested that vehicles would continue to drive over a low kerb and expressed concerns that kerbing would not make a big difference. Cllr Baumber suggested implementing a system that removes the water from the road and not onto the grass. The previous proposals were all costed and suggested looking through the previous emails.


Cllr Kerrigan suggested a low kerb would tidy the edge up and thought temporary posts would stop vehicles for the time being.


  1. Staffing Committee:
    1. To resolve to have a Staffing Committee.

It was resolved unanimously to have a staffing committee.


  1. To agree terms of reference for the Staffing Committee.

Cllr Frost and Cllr Kerrigan suggested that only two members should sit on the committee. It was resolved unanimously to amend that detail and agree to the terms of reference for the Staffing Committee.


  1. To appoint members to a Staffing Committee.

It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Flett and Cllr Kerrigan to the Staffing Committee.


  1. Grievance Committee:
    1. To resolve to have a Grievance Committee.

It was resolved unanimously to have a Grievance Committee.


  1. To agree terms of reference for the Grievance Committee.

Cllr Frost and Cllr Kerrigan again suggested that only two members should sit on the committee. It was resolved unanimously to amend that detail and agree to the terms of reference for the Grievance Committee.


  1. To appoint members to a Grievance Committee.

It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Davies and Cllr Frost to the Grievance Committee.


  1. To receive the correspondence log since the previous meeting.

The Clerk provided a record of the correspondence log for Councillors information.


  1. To receive a record of previous resolutions and action points.

The Clerk provided a record of previous resolutions and action points that were ongoing and complete.


  1. To confirm the date of the next meetings as Tuesday 24th September 2024.

It was resolved unanimously to hold the next Full Council meeting on Tuesday 24th September 2024.


Cllr Baumber left the meeting at 8:25pm.


  1. To consider a response to Springwell Solar Farm.

Cllr Williams advised of the updates to the plans to the Springwell Solar Farm project and mentioned meeting new residents who were upset at learning of the proposals and the potential scale of the project.


Cllr Williams prepared a draft response circulated prior to the meeting. It was resolved unanimously to submit the draft prepared by Cllr Williams.


Cllr Williams closed the meeting at 8:34pm.