Recruitment & Selection Policy
Last Review: January 2021
Next review: January 2024
The recruitment and selection decision is of prime importance as the vehicle for obtaining the
best possible person-to-job fit which will, when aggregated, contribute significantly towards the
Council’s effectiveness. The Recruitment & Selection procedure should help Councillors to
ensure that these criteria are addressed
This policy ensures our Recruitment and Selection Policy will:
be fair and consistent;
be non-discriminatory;
conform to all statutory regulations and agreed best practice.
The Recruitment Process
The following procedure will be used when a post is to be filled. The Council must:
1. Define the job. If it is an existing post - is an exact replacement required or is this an opportunity
to revise the requirements. If it is a newly established post be clear on the exact requirements,
draw up a job description and refer to NALC guidelines to set the appropriate grade.
2. Ensure the Job Description and Person Specification are up-to-date and offer a true
representation of the vacant post, and the person you are looking for to fill this post
3. Collate an information package appropriate for the post. This package should include:
job description and if appropriate, the person specification
information on Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council
terms and conditions of employment including salary
4. It is important that this pack is carefully put together in order to present a professional image of
the Council, therefore out of date or poorly presented information is not suitable.
5. Design the advertisement. All advertisements must contain as much information as possible
to ensure the correct recruitment group is targeted and reduce unsuitable applications.
6. Consider appropriate advertising routes including the LALC website, village and parish
council websites, Scopwick facebook page, notice boards and local newsletters
The Selection Process
7. The Parish Clerk (or the Chairman in the absence of a Parish Clerk) will approach the Council
to agree the most appropriate Councillors to assist with shortlisting and interviewing. The
Parish Clerk (or the Chairman in the absence of a Parish Clerk) and at least one Councillor
should be involved in shortlisting and three Councillors should sit on the Interview Panel.
8. The application forms received by the closing date will be shortlisted by the Clerk and the
Councillors identified to assist, using the Short-listing Candidate Notes and Short-listing
Summary sheet forms. Applicants must be chosen against the Person Specification. It is the
responsibility of the individuals undertaking the short-listing to record (in writing) the reasons
why an applicant is not shortlisted. All papers must be returned to the Parish Clerk (or Chairman
in the absence of a Parish Clerk), who will invite the candidates for interview, obtain references
and make the necessary housekeeping arrangements for the interview. This will include
timetabling the interviews and arranging any pre-employment checks if appropriate. Candidates
who have not been shortlisted will also be informed.
9. The completed Short-listing Candidate Notes and Short-listing Summary sheet forms will be
sent to the Parish Clerk for retention.
10. At least one week prior to the interview, the Interview Panel will receive an interview pack
copies of application forms;
blank interview notes forms;
a copy of the job advertisement;
a copy of the job description;
a copy of the person specification
11. The Parish Clerk (or Chairman in the absence of a Parish Clerk), in consultation with the Interview
Panel will:
decide on the interview format and determine which areas to concentrate on with the
decide on who will chair the Interview Panel;
12. At the interview, the Interview Panel chair will ensure that the Interview Notes form is
completed as fully as possible. When interviewing, they will ensure that Equal Opportunities
legislation is strictly adhered to, with no discrimination shown on any grounds.
13. When all candidates have been interviewed, the panel will score them appropriately, and based
on this decide on the most suitable person for the post. The Interview Panel chair will arrange
to inform the successful candidate as soon as possible, agreeing a commencement date and
starting salary.
14. The completed Interview Report forms will be sent to the Parish Clerk for retention.
Associated Documents
Job Description(s)
Personal Specification(s)
Shortlisting Candidate Notes
Shortlisting Summary sheet
Interview Notes form
Recruitment Checklist