October 2020 Minutes
Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting Minutes: 30th October 2020, virtual meeting via Zoom.
Cllr Philip Baumber (chairman), Cllr Janet Flett (vice chairman), Cllr Alastair Brackenbury, Cllr John Money, Cllr David Nelson
Officer: Julie Wilkins (Parish Clerk).
Apologies received from Cllr Tim Banks and Cllr Owen Davies
37/2020 Welcome
Chairman welcomed Councillors to the online meeting. No members of the public joined to watch the meeting.
38/2020 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest declared on any items on the agenda and no requests for dispensations had been received.
39/2020 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 29th September 2020 had not previously be circulated. It was agreed that they would be considered at the next Parish Council meeting on 24th November 2020.
40/2020 Reports
The Council moved into closed session for the following item to consider a confidential and legal matter in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960).
The meeting considered the contents of the Parish Clerk’s report on a complaint received by the Council. All members present confirmed they had read and understood the report.
Having taken account of the content of the report it was RESOLVED to accept all the recommendations made.
It was further RESOLVED to undertake the following actions:
- Advice to be sought from the Head of HR, NKDC.
- The response to FOI request should also contain an apology from the Council for the way in which the requester had been treated
- The Clerk to self-report to ICO regarding the breach of GDPR on behalf of the Council
- With immediate effect, all emails to the clerkscopwick@gmail.com account will be retained. Those that are not responded to must be tagged as ‘no response’. All others will be retained in the relevant subject folder and recorded in the Correspondence Log.
- The Chairman will issue an instruction to the Clerk regarding the above procedure.
- Working practices will be developed to ensure future employees and Councillors understand the procedures to be followed
41/2020 Date of next meeting
24th November 2020 via Zoom