December 2020 Minutes (22nd)
Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council held on 22nd December 2020 at 7pm. The meeting was held online.
Present: Cllr Philip Baumber (chairman), Cllr Alistair Brackenbury, Cllr Owen Davies (minutes), Cllr Janet Flett (vice chairman), Cllr David Nelson, Peter Reeds (Chairman, Neighbourhood Planning Group), John Woodward (Neighbourhood Planning Group), Charles Kerrigan (Neighbourhood Planning Group)
1. Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman of the Parish Council Philip Baumber welcomed Councillors and representatives from the Neighbourhood Planning Group to the meeting.
2. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs John Money and Tim Banks
3. Declarations of Interest
Three councillors, Cllrs Money, Banks and Baumber, declared in writing or verbally their disclosable pecuniary interest and non-registerable interest in agenda item 5 (Matter for Resolution)
The Chairman withdrew from the meeting and the Vice Chairman, Janet Flett, took the chair for the remainder of the meeting.
Minutes of the Parish council meeting held on Tuesday 15th December 2020 were agreed and approved
4. Neighbourhood Planning Group development sites report and discussion
A Cllr Flett invited P Reeds to introduce and explain the number of houses the villages need.
i) Under the existing North Kesteven District Council Plan (NKDC) part of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (CLLP) the villages are required to grow by 10%. Scopwick 22 Kirkby Green 6 from 2012 to 2036. 9 have been built leaving 13 in Scopwick and 3 in Kirkby Green to be found.
ii) There is a new CLLP being decided which proposes to follow the Neighbourhood Plan if there is one.
iii) The Neighbourhood Planning Group (NPG) propose recommending approval by parishioners to allocate land to smaller market and statutory defined “affordable” (AH) houses. To do this a small increase above the CLLP to 2036 figures is proposed. This will give future proofing.
iv) AH is not compulsory on a site of less than 11 houses. An Exception Site would provide for local people only.
v) NKDC (Feb 2020) estimates 50% of all new housing needs to be AH across the District.
B Peter Reeds outlined the Scopwick and Kirkby Green Sites appraised by AECOM based on sites put forward to the NPG or to the NKDC.
i) “Green” sites with no drawbacks:
a) The former Limes. This is in pre planning for Supported Living (not counted as housing stock);
b) The bungalow next to the pub. 1 extra house;
c) The farmyard at 21 Main St., Kirkby Green. Scope for 4 to 6 homes. Adequate for Kirkby Green’s entire need.
ii) Yellow sites with potential:
a) SCOP 18 - behind the chapel. Scope for up to 7 houses. Landowner amenable to smaller market types needed. Due to AECOM’s error over the ownership of the Chapel Car Park their report did not list this site as “yellow” for the sole reason of “narrow access frontage”. The NPG, having confirmed ownership, have included it.
b) SCOP 3- Heath Rd. Scope for 12 to 14 houses. This would be large enough to include AH. AECOM Site report considered west end for development, but AECOM Design Codes discourages cul-de-sac. NPG therefore recommend road frontage only. This would spill onto SCOP4 to get housing numbers, but landowner would be prepared to offer east end of SCOP 4 as a Public Park - a major benefit to the village.
c) SCOP7 - Vicarage Lane west of cemetery. Scope for 4 houses. 2 frontage development and 2 smaller houses on the site of the farm buildings to the north.
d) SCOP - 9 (part) and 11 (part). Scope for up to 4 houses. Together with existing outline permission for 2 barn houses would bring the total to 6. Site scale would be reduced to existing curtilage line due westward from the south end of 14 Brookside.
e) Scop 2. This site was recorded as unsuitable by AECOM on flooding grounds. However, a recent re-evaluation by the Environment Agency because of a private appeal had caused the flood zone to be redrawn and site 2 now has no flood zone. Scope for up to 4 frontage houses.
The meeting viewed an indicative outline for sites 3/4 and 7.
C An amendment was proposed by John Woodward that Site KG 4, the green, (the only green in Kirkby Green) to the west of Church Lane on the corner with Main St be recommended for inclusion in the Site Allocations for two houses with the creation of a central Public Open Space. It was noted that the proposal was opposed by the other four NPG members on the grounds that it would detract from the existing listed buildings and the remaining public area would be too small to be a benefit.
The amendment was unanimously defeated.
Not enough support was received from Parish Councillors to offer the proposal as an option at Public Consultation and this secondary motion was not put to the vote.
D The resolution was passed unanimously by the Parish Councillors present “That the Parish Council is in favour of approving the proposed Sites Allocation as presented by the Neighbourhood Planning Group to be taken to Public Consultation”.
E Due to safety constraints of COVID the proposed method for consultation was outlined by the NPG of a letter drop with reference to the reports and a paper questionnaire with online answers supported by “Survey Monkey”.
F The resolution was passed unanimously by the Parish Councillors “That the Parish Council recommend the Sites Allocations go forward to Public Consultation”
6. Next Meeting Date
Tuesday January 12th (Budget meeting)
Minutes submitted by: Cllr Owen Davies
pp Jules Wilkins, Clerk and Proper Officer. Email: