December 2020 Minutes (15th)

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council held on 15th December 2020 at 7pm.

The meeting was held online.

Cllr Philip Baumber (chairman), Cllr Janet Flett (vice chairman), Cllr Tim Banks, Cllr Owen Davies, Cllr David Nelson, Pete Reeds (Chairman, Neighbourhood Planning Group), John Woodward (Neighbourhood Planning Group), Charles Kerrigan (Neighbourhood Planning Group)

In attendance: Jules Wilkins (Clerk and Proper Officer)

1.    Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman of the Parish Council Philip Baumber welcomed Councillors and representatives from the Neighbourhood Planning Group to the meeting.

2.    Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Money.  Apologies were received from Cllr Brackenbury.

3.    Declarations of Interest

Three councillors declared an interest in agenda item 4 (Matter for Resolution).  Cllr Money submitted a written declaration of disclosable pecuniary interest and non-registerable interest and did not attend the meeting.  Cllr Banks declared a disclosable interest as he is a Director of a company that owns several of the proposed sites for development and therefore would leave the meeting before item 4.  Cllr Baumber declared a disclosable pecuniary interest as he owns several of the proposed sites for development and therefore would leave the meeting before item 4.

No requests for dispensations had been received.

The Chairman commented that although the remaining councillors would make the quorum legally required  to vote (3 members),

two of those members were also members of the Neighbourhood Planning Group making the recommendations for resolution at this meeting.  Cllr Flett, as the only member present at the meeting without involvement or a disclosable interest considered it inappropriate to continue without Cllr Brackenbury present.  

The Chairman invited comments from members and there was a discussion regarding options to either proceed with the presentation but delay the vote until the next meeting to enable Cllr Brackenbury to vote or to postpone the whole meeting and reschedule for another date before Christmas. 

The Chairman proposed that the presentation and decision be postponed until a date when all four eligible councillors can attend in order that the Parish Council has a balanced number of Councillors present.  

It was RESOLVED to postpone the meeting and reschedule to 22nd December 2020.

10.    Next Meeting Date

This meeting has been rescheduled to 7pm on 22nd December 2020 and will be an online meeting.


Minutes submitted by:
Jules Wilkins, Clerk and Proper Officer.                 Email: