NPG Minutes 23 January 2019
Scopwick and Kirkby Green Neighbourhood Planning Group
Minutes of the Meeting held on 23 January 2019 at 69 Main St Scopwick
John Woodward(JW) John Money (JM) Charles Kerrigan (CK) Peter Reeds(PR)
1. Minutes of previous meeting approved
2. PR advised that he had paid £35 to survey monkey and as I consequence the group was now able to access the full functionality of the site. This includes the ability to complete the questionnaire on line and for automated analysis to be carried out and presented . It also enabled a PDF version to be printed off which PR presented to the meeting.
3. JW 's amended introduction to the survey was approved subject to the addition of JW phone number.
4. It was agreed that a “surgery” be staged in the village hall on 24th February from 2pm to 3pm to assist anyone who required help in completing the questionnaire and /or to answer questions etc (ACTION POINT JW to book village hall)
5. Survey to be checked through by CK and amended as necessary to correct formatting etc (ACTION POINT CK)
6. CK to convert questionnaire to MS word and PDF and make available to printer (ACTION POINTCK)
7. CK to ascertain if plans can be attached to questionnaire within survey monkey and whether it can be completed on line. (ACTION POINT CK)
8. Questionnaires to be delivered as previous division of labour when returned from printers.
9. Drop points for return of questionnaire agreed as per draft questionnaire.
10. Ballot box to be provided at Bracks garage(ACTION POINT JM to obtain)
11. JW to enquire if Community Links would be able to upload information from hard copy questionnaire into survey monkey (ACTION POINT JW)
12. Paul Frost has completed frame work for dedicated website and been provided with material to upload. The questionnaire to be amended such that there is no confusion as to where is can be completed on line(i.e. On survey monkey)(ACTION POINT CK)
13. JW to ask Janet Flett to make mention of the questionnaire in next village newsletter.
14. PR advised he had arranged with Consultant Ian Poole to address the team on Monday 4th February. Agreed this would take place at JM house preferably in the afternoon (ACTION POINT-PR to confirm) .
15. Date of next meeting 4th February -time to coincide with above(to be confirmed)