Minutes October 2020




Mrs Janet Flett Chairman
Mrs Liz Banks Secretary
Mrs Rosa Nelson Treasurer
Mr Joe Kennard Booking Secretary
Mrs Tracy Fenwick
Mrs Wendy Stacey
Mr Michael Dowse
Mr Chris Medcalf
Mr Richard Martin

1 Apologies – None but treasurer will need to leave meeting early for important playing Field meeting discussing new equipment & grant.

Welcome – Chairman welcomed all.

Minutes last meeting - Liz to check key holders list updated. Chairman asked Secretary if grant request for 21/22 had been submitted to Parish Council Clerk, deadline 1st Nov, PC has budget meeting in November.

Action: LB

Secretary confirmed this has not yet been submitted, so needs sending urgently.

Action: LB

Rosa & Liz still to finish venue update with community Lincs. Venue finder.

Action: RN, LB

Tracy to work on weekly hall inspection log.

Action: TF

Westgate services payment sorted.

2 Treasurer’s Report – New pedal bins purchased for kitchen. £22975.85 in bank. Main expenditure in month on Covid safety stuff at nearly £300.

October Village Draw – Drawn by Mike Dowse & Tracy Fenwick. Witnessed by Joe Kennard
1st Prize £40 E2 Vanya Searle 2nd Prize £20 F9 Rita Ford 3rd Prize £10 E7 Malcolm Everard

3 Correspondence – Chairman had received note from Coop advising that request to be considered for Community Champion grant can now be submitted. Chairman had received request from Debra Heeney in Scopwick that she would like to be considered for VHMC or Show Committee. It was agreed for chairman to suggest to her that Hall Committee would be best and to invite her to next meeting where her membership could be ratified.

Action: JF

Community Lincs update email received.

4 Risk Assessment for Hall – Chairman had circulated prior to meeting a draft Risk Assessment document to the committee for consideration. This was created using the ACRE template for ideas and modified to suit our hall. Chairman went through points on document. She pointed out to user group reps that if members won’t obey the protocol put in place they should firstly be challenged, then warned and finally if they won’t comply, excluded.

Action: REPS

To avoid people congregating at front of hall use of carpark should be encouraged, and groups need to be given advice on staggered arrival times and keeping safe distance.

Action: REPS

If Hub starts up again Chairman will supervise arrivals of stall holders.

Chairman will print necessary signs needed, see tasks to be done.

It was agreed that the safest way of managing the toilet facilities was to just keep the disabled toilet open for use and put signs advising that the main ladies and gents cloakrooms are closed. Easy to see queue and each user to clean after use, signs to advise this. If use of hall increases with larger functions this can be reconsidered.

Action: JF

Plastic box for kitchen cleaning stuff.

Action: TF

Safeguarding – Chairman attended zoom meeting on Safeguarding and Treasurer sent out email re safeguarding from Sam Smith which recommends that everyone on your committee accesses the “Introduction to Safeguarding Everyone in Lincolnshire” training module. Link for this given by Mary-Ann Round at meeting is www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/safeguarding/lsab On the top left of the home page it has a purple button for training. If you select this it sends you to the training section where you have to register. You need to register so you can keep a log of different training you do, select village halls and community spaces. In theory you can leave the site and return later to finish your training without starting again, it only takes about 20 minutes to complete. There are also free courses for domestic abuse and scams.

Chairman will revisit safeguarding policies and update. Nov 16th begins National Safeguarding Week, maybe a notice should go on Village board with contact numbers for people with safeguarding concerns.

Action: JF

Chairman will circulate new safeguarding policy.

5 Tasks to be done –

Chairs need colour coding for different user groups.

Action: RN, LB

Signage –

Entrance and Exit
Inside light and heating control box in kitchen
Posters at doors to not enter if unwell
Hand washing poster
Kitchen rules

Action: JF

Check paths and steps clean

Action: JF

Outside sensor lights for side paths and entrance

Action: JF

Plastic box for kitchen cleaning materials

Action: TF

Paper towels and hand sanitisers already done.

6 Lettings and Booking – Bowls and Art Group bookings for this week needs removing.

Action: JK

November wedding now rebooked for next year.

No individual bookings, decided that these could be considered from beginning of February.

The proposed appendix to the booking contract was sent out by Chairman prior to the meeting for consideration, suggestion to include section about groups of six being allowed inside community buildings but that the groups of six need to be socially distanced and that this is in line with current government guidelines so could be subject to change.

Action: JF

It was decided not to apply for a QR code yet but for user groups to make sure they keep their register of attendees accurately, ensuring that the contact details include date, name, telephone number and time of attendance.

Action: Group Repps

If refreshments are provided it must be table service only.

Named responsible person can delegate jobs to members.

New bookings will need to sign the appendix.

Action: JK

Decided that regular users should be sent a letter together with a copy of the appendix which needs to be signed and returned either digitally or manually.

Action: LB, REPS

7 Groups reopening arrangements – officially people should wear masks when inside hall, especially on entering and leaving.

Art – Chris pointed out that social distancing will be hard as people don’t always behave as you expect but that he will make sure they understand the regulations. Chris will get everything out and in place then will coopt one member help to clean tables and he will put them away. Membership is down to 22 and not all are intending on returning yet. Target date to return is 30th October and they will require 20 chairs.

Action: CM, RN, LB

Bowls – it was reported that the majority are keen to come back. Definitely requires 2 people in cupboard to get mats out so will wear masks. They will allow 12 to attend and have two groups of 6 using 2 mats. They will have 4 at one end 2 at other, then swap, no spectators and only touch their own bowls. Will require 12 chairs. Chairman suggested that group rep should check whether the indoor bowling association has its own guidance and act accordingly.

Action: RN, LB, RM

Brownies – not till after Christmas.

Pilates – Not yet

Zumba – nothing heard from Ingrid yet.

Friendship – Lots of members interested in returning so Janet is considering returning the last Tuesday in November. Will confirm.

Action: JF

Hub – no decision made about restarting this yet as maintaining social distance would be very tricky.

Fun Fit – Mike reported that all were keen to return. They need to be aware that will have to be in groups of 6 not one large circle. Janet happy to arrange activities that do require to be in pairs or that require ball or scarves, to avoid contact. Start date for this still to be decided.

Action: MD

8 AOB – A point was made about the car park last winter being difficult for some cars with the odd one getting stuck and that hopefully the grass and matting will stand up to increased use during winter months so keeping front verge looking better.

9 Date of next meeting - Tuesday 8th December at 7pm in the hall.

Liz Banks, Secretary