AGM Minutes June 2021





Mrs Janet Flett                         Chairman

Mrs Rosa Nelson                      Treasurer                                                             

Mrs Liz Banks                            Secretary

Mr Joe Kennard                     Booking Secretary, Vice Chairman

Mrs Tracy Fenwick                Caretaker                


Mr Michael Dowse

Mr Chris Medcalf

Mrs Wendy Stacey

Mrs Debra Heeney

Pat Betterham

Agenda Item:


1 Welcome

The Chairman welcomed all present, especially Pat Betterham, being the only person not on the committee & everyone introduced themselves to her. Chairman explained the AGM covered the period April 2020 to end March 2021. No AGM was held last year due to Covid restrictions.


2 Apologies – Mr Richard Martin


3 Acceptance of minutes from AGM 25/06/19

These were accepted as a true and accurate record, proposed by Mike Dowse, seconded by Tracy Fenwick.



4 Chairman’s Report – (see attached report).

The Chairman read out her report for the past year throughout much of which the hall has been closed with the lockdown and closure of all community buildings in March 2020. Throughout this time the guidance given was followed to ensure that the hall was safe and secure and ready to open when allowed. Covid Risk Assessment completed and an additional page to hire agreement added, sanitizing stations, extra cleaning and signage put in place. Two grants were secured to allow provision of 36 bags of Christmas Cheer and then Easter Hampers to the vulnerable and lonely people who would normally be able to meet at the Friendship group. Newsletter drop made to every household. The grants received of £1000 from Parish Council and several sizeable Government grants mitigated potential shortfall from being unable to raise money through normal routes and will allow a more comfortable reopening.

Since last AGM Wendy Stacey has been welcomed as a new member on the committee. The Chairman thanked all the committee for giving their time and effort and support during the past strange year. Particular thanks were given to those who undertake the additional roles and responsibilities and to the caretaker for looking after the hall so well.

Chairman concluded by saying that – We believe the hall is the heart of the village and we have missed being open and serving our community. We look forward to opening the doors and welcoming everyone again.


Thanks for all the Chairman’s work over the year was given by Rosa and special thanks were given for all the successful work undertaken in securing various Government grants.

















5 Treasurer’s Financial Report and Draw Collector’s Update

The Treasurer handed out the Financial Summary for April 2020 – March 2021, the figures for the previous two years were included for comparison. The treasurer pointed out that without the grants from the Parish Council and the Government totalling £21829.21 we would have struggled with no other income coming in other than a small amount of hall hire before closure, and a refund of electricity charges.

Total income £24632.72.

Expenditure was £6479.51 which included amongst other things, caretaker wages, insurance, water charges, repairs, broadband and equipment/improvements.

The balance in the bank as of 31st March 2021 was £30826.72

The Chairman thanked the Treasurer for keeping the records, paying bills etc. during lockdown.

A question was asked by Pat as to whether the hall hire has been reduced due to grants received, It was explained that having the grants meant that the hall could open with some generous discounts being offered to groups, with all user groups being given two free weeks and if struggling two further weeks at a reduced rate. With a discount of 20% being given to the Wedding bookings that had to cancel and rebook for a later date.

The Chairman mentioned that we are competitively priced.

The accounts were audited by John Woods.

Draw – 169 numbers are taken which leaves 41 still available, £1 per month. 33 members behind with payments, it is the responsibility of the collectors to make sure that members are made aware if they overdue. At moment there are 10 collectors. Prize money will remain the same at £40, £20 & £10 monthly, if more numbers sold could be reconsidered.

















6 Booking Secretary Report – The Booking Secretary gave his report saying that the hall had carried out a wide range of activities until Covid caused closure in the third week of March 2020, these being Pilates, Brownies, Fun Fit, Zumba Art Group and Bowls. Also regular meetings of the Hub, Friendship Afternoon and Committee meetings. It was pointed out that there was a growing recognition of the standard and range of facilities that the Village Hall had to offer due to the upgrade and maintenance achieved by the Village hall Management Committee, which resulted in individual bookings for parties, wedding receptions , shows and other events benefitting the local community.

A brief restart of the hall happened in Sept 2020 before having to close again. A gradual restart began in May 2021.





7 Committee Membership - The Secretary asked the existing members of the committee if they were willing to remain on the committee, all were happy to do so.

A nomination for the committee has been received, Debra Heeney, resident in Scopwick, she was unanimously voted onto the committee and the Treasurer will ensure that the necessary information for becoming a Trustee is completed.






8 Issues from the Parish

No issues were raised.

After the meeting Pat thanked all the committee for their hard work and said that people only really appreciate the hall when they don’t have it.


 The AGM was closed and the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance.