January 2023 Minutes Budget and Precept Meeting

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council

Minutes of the budget and precept meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council held on Wednesday 11th January 2023 at 7pm. The meeting was held in Scopwick Village Hall. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.


Cllrs P Baumber (Chair), J Flett (Vice-Chair), A Brackenbury, O Davies, and D Nelson. 

Parish Clerk - J Sargent.

76/22.    Chairman’s Welcome.

The Chairman opened the meeting, welcoming everyone and thanking them for their attendance, reminding everyone of safety protocols and emergency exits.

77/22.    Apologies.

It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies received from Cllrs T Bank and J Money.

78/22.    Declarations of Interest.

None Received.

79/22.    To receive a budget review for the 3rd quarter of the financial year.

The Clerk presented updated accounts up to the end of the 3rd quarter. Councillors advised the invoice for the neighbourhood plan was to be allocated from the reserves.

There will be a small amount of VAT to claim.

80/22.    To consider the budget for 2023-24.

The Clerk presented a draft budget for Councillors to consider, forecast with a 10% increase in the precept in line with the current rate of inflation, this increase was reflected across the proposed expenditure on the draft budget.

The draft budget was considered line by line with amendments made to general maintenance, play area, wreaths, and salaries. Postage and stationery to be combined. 

Section 137 was included on the draft budget. Section 137 allows councils to allocate funding to items outside their legal obligations. It’s currently valued at £8.82 per elector. NKDC advised there are 574 electors in Scopwick and Kirkby Green. 

It was resolved unanimously to accept the budget for 2023-24 with the adjustments recommended. 

It was requested the Clerk check the grass cutting contract and insurance costs. The Clerk to present an updated draft budget at the January Full Council meeting, with the adjustments recommended. 

81/22. To consider the precept for 2023-24.

Councillors considered potential increases in the precept and the impact this would have on the Council finances, the reserves, and the impact on residents. 

It was resolved unanimously to accept a 10% increase to the precept, taking it to £16,401.00 for the 2023-24 financial year.

Cllr Baumber Closed the meeting at 8:00pm.