January 2023 Minutes

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council

The minutes of the meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council held on Tuesday 31st January 2023 at 7pm. The meeting was held in Scopwick Village Hall. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.


Cllrs P Baumber (Chair), J Flett (Vice-Chair), T Banks, O Davies, J Money, and D Nelson. 

District Cllrs J Clarke and S Clegg.

Parish Clerk - J Sargent.

8 members of the public in attendance. 

Public Forum

Cllr Baumber welcomed Councillors and residents in attendance, opening the floor to questions from residents.  

A resident suggested that calling a Parish Meeting was vital to getting residents opinion on the Springwell Solar Farm project and asked the Council not to assume that all residents are aware of the details of the project. The resident volunteered to drop leaflets to homes in the parish that advertise the meeting and suggested the Council invite a representative of the Springwell Solar Farm project to the Parish Meeting. 

A second resident wanted to understand the role of the Council in relaying public opinion to NKDC and the Springwell Solar Farm project, acknowledging this will be discussed on the agenda. 

Residents from a neighbouring parish were also in attendance to express their concerns, however, the Chairman advised which meetings they can attend to express their views to their representatives. 

Cllr Flett confirmed that the Council were no more informed than residents on the project, with the agenda item to be a discussion on how to find a way forward rather than expressing an opinion on the project. 

Cllr Baumber advised that the Council will take on board the views of the residents, listen to their opinions on how this will affect their properties and the environment for example and to be representative of the community in the consultation process.

Cllr Clegg praised Scopwick and Kirkby Green’s neighbourhood plan and how this will be taken into consideration in this consultation. 

With no further questions from members of the public, it was resolved to move into full session.

Cllr Baumber thanked a member of the public with help towards the neighbourhood plan, with a round of applause from Councillors. 

82/22.   Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman excused himself from the meeting due to feeling unwell. Cllr Flett opened the meeting welcoming everyone and thanking them for their attendance, reminding everyone of safety protocols and emergency exits.

83/22.   Apologies 

It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies received from Cllr A Brackenbury and County Cllr R Kendrick.

84/22.   Declarations of Interest

Cllrs T Banks and J Money on agenda item 11 regarding the Springwell Solar Farm project.

85/22.   Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 29th November 2022 were accepted and it was resolved unanimously to adopt the minutes as a true record. 

85/22.   Minutes of the Finance Meeting

The minutes of the Finance Meeting held on the 11th January 2023 were accepted and it was resolved unanimously to adopt the minutes as a true record. 

86/22. To discuss community matters that need referring to the District and County Council representatives for a response.

District Cllr Clegg spoke about the election briefings coming up, with dates to be confirmed and will forward information to the Clerk. Cllr Clegg advised photo ID will be required for the upcoming elections. 

District Cllr Clarke reported RAF Digby looks set to expand - double in size and advised the Springwell Solar Farm project is only in a consultation phase at this stage so the plans may change. NKDC are installing solar panels on the Council building and Cllr Clarke also spoke about the success of the neighbourhood plan referendum, advising that future proposals will take this neighbourhood plan into consideration. 

87/22.   Reports:

a.   Neighbourhood Planning Group

The referendum was held on 19th January receiving a majority vote to adopt the plan. Councillors were pleased with the level of participation and delighted with the result with the hope it serves the parish well over the next 10-15 years.  

b.   Village Hall Committee Report

Cllr Flett reported that:

•   The village hall participated in National Village Hall Week. 
•   The Wrinkly Rockers evening is scheduled for 25th February 2023. 
•   Saturday 18th March will be the daffodil weekend with a coffee morning. 
•   A newsletter will be issued in the Spring but need contributions from Councillors on what could be advertised in the newsletter. 
•   Free broadband is being investigated.  
•   Entering competition to win £500.00 by making a video of the Village Hall. 
•   Investigating installing double glazing and new doors. 
•   The front steps need repairing but are not hazardous.

c.   Playing Field Committee Report

The committee will be meeting soon. The gate post has been temporarily repaired. There has also been some cockchafer beetle damage to areas of the grass. The area will be rolled and reseeded in the spring. The play area is still well used even through the winter.

d.   Community Speed Watch Report

The CSW have been out for 2-3 sessions, the group would like to have done more sessions but limited by the no. of volunteers, illness, bad weather. 

e.   Police

No report has been provided by the neighbourhood policing team. 

f.   The Clerk

The Clerk provided an update on the banking access problems with Co-op, the website - which will be updated by the LALC webmaster and current policies under review with LALC which will be sent to Councillors once they’ve been made available.

The Clerk also mentioned an email from a resident regarding a tree interfering with their BT phone line. Councillors advised this was the responsibility of the line owner and that BT will be phasing out landlines in the next few years. 

Councillors asked the Clerk to check previous correspondence regarding the curbs around Brookside as a resident reported parking on the green and damage to the grass. 

88/22.  Financial Matters

To approve accounts for:

a.   November

b.   December
Cllr Fleet asked if there was any VAT to claim. The Clerk confirmed there was about £200.00 to be claimed, which will be done at the end of the financial year. With no other matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the accounts for November and December.

89/22.   To receive the bank reconciliation for:

a.   November

b.   December

The Clerk provided the bank reconciliation for Councillors.
90/22.   To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or amendments.

a.   22/1447/F - Land adjacent to No. 1 Vicarage Lane. 

b.   23/0032/HOUS - 20 Brookside, Scopwick.

c.   22/1529/FUL - Planning application for Conservatory at Holt Heath Farm Heath Road, Scopwick.

d.   23/0040/FUL - Change of use of the existing Methodist Church into 3-bed dwelling. Scopwick Methodist Church, 77 Main Street, Scopwick

The Clerk emailed all the planning notifications prior to the meeting. Cllr Fleet requested Councillors email comments about planning to the Clerk when the deadline is before the next meeting. 

a.   Cllr Banks clarified the access point to the property. Cllr Davies mentioned the height of the building could potentially have a detrimental impact on the neighbouring listed building. Cllr Flett and Cllr Davies suggested the Council ask NKDC heritage officer to investigate this.

b.   No comments.

c.   No comments.

d.   Cllr Flett mentioned there was no land with the Methodist Chapel. A debate followed regarding the windows at the back and whether the windows should be opaque as there will be a direct impact on the neighbouring property.

Cllr Davies mentioned there would be no privacy if the windows did not have some obscuration and recommended the Council relay these comments to NKDC.

Cllr Money advised if the obscuration is removed, it could be a breach of planning. Cllrs agreed to ask NKDC to make a level 5 obscuration a permanent condition.

91/22.   To receive an update on the event to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III in May 2023.

Cllr Flett confirmed that Sunday 7th May will be day the event is held, with a picnic lunch, a hog roast and barn dance in the evening in the village hall. Money is currently being raised for the event. 

The beacon could be lit in the evening, however, there is no official requirement to do so. 

92/22.   To consider maintenance of trees near the village hall with heavy ivy growth. 

Cllr Nelson volunteered to cut the ivy.

93/22.   To receive the Correspondence Log since the previous meeting. 

The Clerk did not provide the Correspondence Log but advised it would be emailed out in the next couple of weeks.

94/22.   To receive a record of previous resolutions and action points. 

The Clerk provided a record of previous resolutions and action points that were ongoing and complete, noting that the .gov.uk email addresses would incur an ongoing costs. The Clerk is waiting for further information from providers. 

94/22.   To approve the date of the next Full Council Meeting.

It was resolved unanimously to hold the next Full Council meeting on Tuesday 28th March 2023.

Cllrs Banks and Money left the meeting due to a conflict of interest with the next item.

95/22.   To consider the Springwell Solar Farm Project.

Cllr Flett confirmed this discussion was for the Council to find a way forward rather than decide whether the Council was for or against the project. Cllr Flett questioned how the Council go about in garnering public opinion. 

The Clerk advised the requirements needed to call a Parish Meeting. Councillors recommended inviting a representative from the Springwell Solar Farm project scheduling a date where a representative could attend. This would ensure a balanced discussion; help quash misinformation and allow for genuine concerns to be expressed to the representative. 

Cllr Nelson suggested a Parish Meeting should be used to collect the views of residents and put them to the project organisers and NKDC, to identify areas in the plan that affect Scopwick and Kirkby Green, so it is not detrimental to biodiversity and footpaths, for example, within the parish.

Cllr Davies suggested the plans for the project were not yet fully formed and this would be an opportunity for the project to take on information provided through to the next consultation phase, perhaps modifying proposals to appease concerns expressed. 

The Clerk to confirm the wording on advert to the public, to seek advice from LALC, and to liaise with volunteers to post leaflets advertising the event to all residents. 

Councillors considered the option of holding a poll at the end of the meeting. The Clerk to clarify the criteria for this. 

With no further comments Cllr Flett closed the meeting at 8:40pm.