May 2023 Minutes Annual Meeting of the Council
Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council
The minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council for Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council, held on Tuesday 23rd May 2023 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held in Scopwick Village Hall. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.
Cllrs M Williams (Chair), J Flett (Vice-Chair), P Baumber, O Davies, and D Nelson.
Parish Clerk - J Sargent.
1 member of the public in attendance.
1. To elect a Chair of the Council for the forthcoming term of office.
Cllr Baumber as the outgoing Chair of the Council opened the meeting, stating that he no longer wished to serve as Chair and asked for nominations.
Cllr Williams was nominated and seconded. With no other Councillors nominated, Cllr Williams was duly elected as Chair of the Council.
2. To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of the Chair.
The Declaration of Acceptance of Office of the Chair was signed by Cllr Williams and the Clerk.
3. To elect a Vice-Chair of the Council for the forthcoming term of office.
Cllr Flett was nominated and seconded. With no other Councillors nominated, Cllr Flett was duly elected as Vice-Chair of the Council.
4. To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of the Vice-Chair.
The Declaration of Acceptance of Office of the Vice-Chair was signed by Cllr Flett and the Clerk.
5. Public Forum
Cllr Flett and Cllr Baumber asked the Clerk to send letters of thanks to previous Councillors for their service to the Council and the community.
Resident 1 spoke about how the Community Speed Watch group were growing despondent. Other villages have speeding signs, whereas Scopwick doesn’t on the B1188.
Cllr Baumber advised the Council were waiting for a survey from NKDC, then the speed limit was lowered, and it was not followed up. Cllr Baumber advised speed indicator signs in other areas were funded by Parish Councils.
Cllr Davies mentioned of speed calming measures elsewhere which the Council could contact Lincolnshire County Council’s Highways department and the Road Safety Partnership about potentially installing to reduce speeding.
Cllr Williams suggested moving the speed limit signs and increasing the size of them. Cllr Nelson agreed, suggesting that an extension to the 30mph speed limit zone would be beneficial to the village.
Cllr Baumber suggested writing to the Highways department requesting a follow up on the flashing speed signs locations.
Resident 1 asked for the Council to press for flashing speed sign to show that the Community Speed Watch Group’s efforts are not in vain.
With no further questions from members of the public, it was resolved to move back into full session.
Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Williams welcomed Councillors to the meeting, stating he’s looking forward to working with Councillors and representing the Parish.
6. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies received from Cllr P Frost.
7. Declaration of Interest.
None received.
8. To appoint members to Committees of the Council
a. Playing Field Committee
It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Nelson and Cllr Frost to the Playing Field Committee.
b. Village Hall Committee
It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Flett to the Village Hall Committee.
9. To appoint members to areas of interest:
a. Highways and footpaths
It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Williams and Cllr Frost to monitor highways and footpaths.
b. Maintenance of grass, trees, and hedging
It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Baumber to monitor the maintenance of grass, trees, and hedging.
c. Traffic and road safety
It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Williams and Cllr Frost to monitor traffic and road safety.
d. Risk assessments and health and safety
It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Davies to monitor risk assessments and health and safety.
10. To consider appointing a member to the LALC Management Committee.
No Councillors were proposed.
11. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 28th March 2023.
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 28th March 2023 were accepted and it was resolved unanimously to adopt the minutes as a true record.
12. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 18th April 2023.
The minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 18th April 2023 were accepted and it was resolved unanimously to adopt the minutes as a true record.
13. To approve the record of accounts for:
a. March
b. April
The Clerk briefly explained the accounts, with no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the accounts for March and April.
14. To receive the bank reconciliation for:
a. March
b. April
The Clerk provided the bank reconciliation for Councillors.
15. To receive the 2022-23 financial year budget review.
The provided the 2022-23 financial year budget review for Councillors for information purposes. The Clerk briefly explained the comparison on the budget from the previous year to the current year, with anticipated and actual spending.
16. To consider signing up to the LALC annual training scheme.
It was resolved unanimously to sign up to the LALC annual training scheme.
17. To receive reports from:
a. Police
The April report was distributed to Councillors by email.
b. The Clerk
The Clerk reported that:
- VAT reclaim has been applied for.
- The internal audit will be conducted this week.
- Started the Introduction to Local Council Administration (ILCA) qualification, passing the first 2 exams with pass marks of 95% and 100%, with 3 exams to go.
18. To discuss community matters that need referring to the District and County Council representatives for a response.
Neither the District nor County Council representatives were in attendance. District Councillor Bailey sent a written report, distributed to Councillors.
Cllr Nelson requested putting representations to County Councillor regarding speeding issues.
Cllr Davies wanted it to be recorded in the minutes a note of thanks to District Councillor Bailey for helping a parishioner with a heating grant who was having difficulty applying for it; the grant was received by the parishioner.
19. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or amendments.
a. Planning Permission Application - 23/0354/FUL | Erection of private garages |85 Main Street Scopwick
Comments already on the planning portal regarding this planning applications were regarding noise. No objections were raised.
Cllr Williams noted that the other planning applications listed on the agenda were old and have not been marked as complete by NKDC on the planning portal.
20. To receive a report on the Coronation celebration event.
Cllr Flett reported that it was a very busy weekend, but the effort was worth the reward.
- A picnic was held outside the Village Hall, with music and games.
- The evening event was well attended with over 100 people joining in the celebrations.
- The bar served drinks at cost.
- A band played.
- There was a barn dance.
- A pulled pork rolls, hot dogs, salads, and a variety of desserts were served.
- The beacon was lit.
- Attendees sung the national anthem and raised a glass of prosecco.
- Gifts were provided to children.
Cllr Flett thanked volunteers the committee members for help with setting up and clearing up.
The Council placed on record its thanks to Cllr Flett and the other members of the organising committee.
It was resolved unanimously to pay £500.00 to cover the costs of the event and contributed further when the total was compiled.
21. To receive the correspondence log since the previous meeting.
The Clerk provided a record of the correspondence log, noting that there was plenty of correspondence regarding the Springwell Solar Farm, but then not as much correspondence in April due to the Clerk being off work through illness and then on annual leave.
22. To receive a record of previous resolutions and action points.
The Clerk provided a record of previous resolutions and action points that were ongoing and complete.
Councillors discussed the condition of the dog waste bins, to be followed up, the rusting cabinet housing the defibrillator and the condition of the noticeboard.
23. To approve the date of the next Full Council meeting and Annual Parish Meeting.
It was resolved unanimously to hold the next Full Council meeting on Tuesday 25th July 2023 and the Annual Parish Meeting on 30th May 2023.
The Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 8:10pm.