September 2023 Minutes

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council

The minutes of the full Council meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council, held on Tuesday 26th September 2023 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held in Scopwick Village Hall. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.


Cllrs M Williams (Chair), J Flett (Vice-Chair), P Baumber, C Kerrigan, D Nelson, and P Frost. 

Parish Clerk - J Sargent.

2 members of the public in attendance.  

Public Session

Resident 1 thanked the Clerk for arranging speed watch training with the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and sought clarification on whether the equipment was needed at the training. The Clerk to enquire with the training provider. 

Cllr Flett mentioned how the notice board was damaged during some adverse weather conditions and later repaired. The notice board also needed some other maintenance, to be arranged. 

Cllr Flett mentioned that a sign for parking at the village hall is needed. The Clerk to liaise with Cllr Flett and Cllr Nelson. Cllr Flett also thanked those who helped with some maintenance work of the benches and with the maintenance of the history board. The environment board was also mentioned as in need of maintenance which can be arranged. 

North Kesteven District Councillor A Bailey provided a written report, distributed to Councillors via email prior to the meeting. Cllr Bailey also mentioned a list of issues that have been raised with her over the past few weeks by residents, such as mental health, the cost-of-living crisis and anti-social behaviour. Cllr Bailey is looking to engage with communities on Council funding, digitisation, immigration, and foodbanks. Cllr Bailey would like residents to contact her on her email: if any resident would like to share concerns on topics such as those mentioned. 

Cllr Bailey confirmed that she is now an independent Councillor, having resigned from the Lincolnshire Independents. Cllr Bailey did not want to be tied into a political alliance at the district level. 

Cllr Nelson commented that there were foodbanks more locally than the one Cllr Bailey mentioned in Lincoln.

With no further matters, it was resolved to move into session. 

47.   Chairman’s Welcome

Cllr Williams opened the meeting welcoming everyone and thanking them for their attendance; reminding everyone of safety protocols and emergency exits.

48.   Apologies

It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies received from Cllr O Davies.

49.   Declaration of Interest.

None received.

50.   To approve as a correct record the minutes of the full Council meeting held on 25th July 2023.

The minutes of the full Council meeting held on 25th July 2023 were accepted and it was resolved unanimously to adopt the minutes as a true record. 

51.   To approve the record of accounts for:

a.   July

b.   August

With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the accounts for July and August.

52.   To receive the bank reconciliation for:

a.   July

b.   August

The Clerk provided the bank reconciliation to keep Councillors up to date with the financial status of the Council. 

Cllr Frost requested that the bank statements be made available with the bank reconciliation. The Clerk to arrange for future meetings. 

53.   To receive a report on the Main Street culvert. 

Cllr Williams moved this item up the agenda, to invite a local resident who had been working on this issue over the previous three years to share their findings. The resident reported that this had been several years’ worth of work, with Lincolnshire County Council to find a resolution. The resident reported that LCC have reluctantly accepted responsibility for the culvert, with work planned in the next financial year. 

The resident advised of the difficulty in getting LCC to admit that they’d previously written a report on the condition of the culverts in Scopwick. LCC have agreed to carry out the work on a without prejudice basis, as such the future responsibility of the culvert is uncertain. 

Cllr Williams thanked the resident for their endeavours to get this issue resolved.

The Clerk had written to the legal team at LCC to clarify the Parish Council’s obligations. It was confirmed that the Parish Council will not have any legal or financial responsibility towards the maintenance of the culvert. The Clerk also asked the legal team to keep the Parish Council updated on the issue. 

The resident concluded with mentioning the importance to him and his neighbours of clearing any blame associated with their properties regarding the dispersal of surface water and queried previous minutes where planning permission was discussed for these properties, suggesting that they were factually incorrect and has evidence to prove his and his neighbour’s properties do not contribute to surface water issues; the damaged culvert increased flood risk.

The resident asked for the Council to amend the minutes from July 2020 where Councillors had resolved to object to the planning application, over flooding concerns.

The resident suggested that there will be a recording of the meeting as it was conducted via zoom and might still have a copy. The Clerk advised that the Council will not have retained a copy as it will likely have been deleted once the minutes had been agreed at Council. The Clerk asked for a copy of the recording and Cllr Williams advised a review of the minutes will take place. 

54.   To consider updated policies to be adopted:

a.   Standing Orders

The Clerk confirmed that the Standing Orders were based on the model Standing Orders issued by the National Association of Local Councils. It was resolved unanimously to adopt the Standing Orders as Council Policy.

b.   Code of Conduct

It was resolved unanimously to adopt the Code of Conduct as Council Policy.

c.   Financial Regulations

Cllr Frost mentioned that there were some areas that were not clear, particularly relating to figures, which had been highlighted in the Policy. The Clerk to review. It was resolved unanimously to defer to review to content.

d.   Risk Management

Cllr Frost suggested some of the criteria did not apply. Cllr Flett asked for the document to be distributed again to Councillors to review. It was resolved unanimously to defer to review to content to remove items not applicable to the Parish Council. 

Cllr Flett requested an updated Safeguarding Policy to review, and Cllr Kerrigan requested a Health and Safety Policy to be reviewed on the next agenda. 

Cllr Frost questioned where the latest Policies can be reviewed. The Clerk confirmed that all adopted policies will be kept as a paper copy on file and as a digital copy on the website. Keeping policies up to date was a suggestion from the internal auditor. 

55.   To receive reports from:

e.   Village Hall Committee 

•   Cllr Flett thanked all those who help with the village show. 
•   The Village Hall recently held its AGM. Halfway through the project with the YMCA about increasing community engagement and are about to receive the second grant instalment. 
•   Lights in the hall are to be updated to LEDs in October. 
•   Quotes for solar panels have been requested for the hall to include battery storage. Advice received has been not to install solar panels as it would not be a good financial outlay due to the way the Village Hall is used.  
•   There is a MacMillan Coffee morning coming up. 
•   Tickets for the Wrinkly Rockers event are selling well.
•   The Orchestra will be performing on 21st November.
•   Warm up to Christmas free event will be on Tuesday 19th December.
•   Cllr Kerrigan has volunteered to take on the check for the defibrillators.

Cllr Nelson suggested that solar could be a good income stream for exporting to the National Grid.

f.   Playing Field Committee 

Cllr Nelson confirmed that the committee has received the safety report from Rospa. There are some minor faults but also some rot indicated as high risk in the report. The committee are looking at getting replacement parts. Minor faults to be arranged. The play area is being regularly inspected by the committee. 

Cllr Nelson has sent an invoice for the gate post to the Clerk to arrange payment.

g.   Community Speed Watch

Cllr Frost mentioned the upcoming training on Tuesday 17th October, and that a number of sessions have taken place. The Council are waiting for a walk round with LCC’s Executive Portfolio holder for Highways and County Councillor Kendrick to discuss issues such as speeding. 

Councillors complained about road closure signs currently in place that seemed to be dangerous. Cllr Baumber suggested contacting the Highways Safety Officer to review.

h.   The Chairman   

Cllr Williams attended an event at RAF Digby as a guest of the Wing Commander. A planning application is likely to be due, as they are planning a large development. Cllr Williams will be meeting on site view RAF Digby’s new plans. LCC project lead on the highways volunteering days are organising a visit to the Parish to assess the works requested. Cllr Williams mentioned that he is away for Remembrance Sunday and unable to lay a wreath on behalf of the Parish. Cllr Flett volunteered to do so. Cllr Davies to order the wreath for the Council. 

i.   The Clerk

The Clerk issued a report prior to the meeting. In addition, the Clerk will be attending CiLCA training days in September, October, November and December.

56.   To review the grass cutting contract, to include litter picking.

Cllr Baumber expressed concerns regarding the current contractor, and mentioned previous emails circulated to Councillors with pictures of poor work in the parish. Cllr Baumber mentioned work not being done by the contractor, confirmed by Cllr Frost after reviewing the documents. Cllr Baumber advised that the contractor has had several reminders and requests to return. 

Cllr Baumber recommended reviewing the contract before putting it out to tender later this year. Cllr Nelson asked for quotes to come in before the budget meeting in January if possible. Cllr Baumber agreed to review the contract and liaise with the Clerk. 

It was resolved unanimously not to include the litter picking grant offer from NKDC into the grass cutting contract. 

Cllr Williams left the meeting at 8:20pm, with Cllr Flett chairing the remainder of the meeting.

57.   To consider putting the grass cutting contract out to tender for 2024-2026.

It was resolved unanimously to defer until the November meeting.

58.   To consider replacing the damaged waste bins. 

Cllr Nelson recommended replacing the bin outside the village hall and will send specification to the Clerk. 

59.   To consider purchasing a flashing speed signs.

Cllr Frost suggested purchasing the solar powered flashing sign recommended by the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) with two poles installed at either end of the village so the sign can be moved occasionally. 

The Clerk confirmed the LRSP will find a suitable location for the poles and install the poles. The Clerk has sent Cllr Frost’s document and recommendations of the preferred locations for the posts and signs.

It was resolved unanimously to purchase the flashing spend sign and poles.

Cllr Flett asked the Clerk to clarify who will be responsible for the post. The Clerk to clarify with the LRSP. 

Cllr Baumber advised that there are some funds ring-fenced, donated by the history group for maintenance of items in the village. 

Cllr Frost advised adding to the Council’s insurance policy. The Clerk to arrange once purchased. 

60.   To consider appointing member(s) as website officers.

The Clerk asked if any members would like to participate in website training to be able to upload documents to the website or to double check the website is up to date and refer any updates to the Clerk and the webmaster. 

Cllr Frost volunteered to monitor the website and try to help with uploading new documents.

61.   To consider a reply to the Fosse Green Energy solar farm public consultation.

Cllr Baumber advised that similar items have been presented to the Council, however, this is not within the parish boundary. Cllr Flett echoed that this is not a concern for the Council. 

It was resolved unanimously not to comment at this time as it does not impact the parish directly but request to be kept updated on the project. 

62.   To receive an update on LCC’s volunteer days project.

Cllr Kerrigan advised a meeting with the project lead Ellie Baker to discuss the project will be on 4th October and find a suitable date for the works. Ellie would like to put a skip on the side of the beck for the waste. A discussion followed as to whether this was necessary. It was agreed to allow a skip to be located on site for waste. Any green waste could be left on the side of the beck to give wildlife time to return to the beck. Cllr Baumber volunteered to remove any green waste left on the side of the beck. 

63.   To discuss projects in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan.

Cllr Kerrigan mentioned three projects detailed in the neighbourhood: speeding issues which are being dealt with, a missing bridge for a public footpath and a cycle path to Blankney. Cllr Kerrigan would like to speak with Cllr Kendrick as there may be funding available for the footpath and the cycle path. 

Cllr Nelson advised there is a signpost in place indicating a footpath and it is shown on an ordnance survey map, and advised notifying LCC that it is neglected as it is an interesting walk. Cllr Baumber advised there never actually a bridge there and advised of concerns of footpaths through fields that are farmed.

Cllr Kerrigan advised the missing bridge for a public footpath and a cycle path to Blankney  items are in the early stages of investigation. 

64.   To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or amendments.

a.   23/1025/TPO - 47 Main Street Scopwick - Walnut - Request to prune

b.   23/1037/TCA - Beckside Scopwick - Horse Chestnut (676) - Reduce the larger lateral by 4m

c.   23/1039/TPO - Beckside Scopwick - Black poplar (035) - Reduce in height by 9m to leave a finished height of 20m

Cllr Flett advised of not being able to access the planning on the NKDC portal; Cllr Nelson also spoke of issues with the planning portal. 

There were no comments made on the planning applications tabled. 

65.   To receive the correspondence log since the previous meeting.

The Clerk provided a record of the correspondence log for Councillors information. 

The Clerk mentioned receiving a large number of imposter emails, pretending to be Councillors. All suspicious emails of this nature are being reported to the National Cyber Security Centre - 
66.   To receive a record of previous resolutions and action points.

The Clerk provided a record of previous resolutions and action points that were ongoing and complete.

67.   To confirm the date of the next meeting as Tuesday 28th November 2023. 

It was resolved unanimously to hold the next Full Council meeting on Tuesday 28th November 2023.

Cllr Flett closed the meeting at 9:10pm.