November 2023 Minutes
Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council
The minutes of the full Council meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council, held on Tuesday 28th November 2023 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held in Scopwick Village Hall. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.
Cllrs M Williams (Chair), J Flett (Vice-Chair), P Baumber, C Kerrigan, D Nelson, and P Frost; and District Cllr A Bailey.
Parish Clerk - J Sargent.
2 members of the public in attendance.
Cllr Williams opened the meeting with some housekeeping items mentioning the correct procedures for discussion including abiding by the code of conduct and the Parish Council’s standing orders; and reminding members of the public not to speak during the formal part of the meeting unless called upon to do so by the Chair.
Public Session
Resident 1 mentioned the speed watch training and how a resident did not receive the notification for the training session and requested joining a new training session. The Clerk to enquire with LRSP.
Resident 1 advised a group from Digby joined them on speed watch session with a view to starting their own group and sharing resources.
The resident also complained about the Anglian Water tankers at the pumping station causing a noise nuisance and asked the Council to contact Anglian Water. The Clerk to contact Anglian Water for more information.
The resident also mentioned that the village green was looking untidy due to vehicles parking and driving on the grass. Resident 2 also suggested that the homeowners should asked contractors to be move careful and park their vehicles more appropriately in the area rather than on the green.
Cllr Nelson advised that LCC Highways have got information on record to install curbs and drains to protect the green. The Clerk to liaise with Cllr R Kendrick and contact LCC Highways regarding these plans.
Resident 2 mentioned a large yellow bag that has been dumped full of garden waste and concrete posts on a public path near Vicarage Lane. The Clerk to report on LCC’s fixmystreet website.
Report from North Kesteven District Councillor A Bailey
Councillor A Bailey updated Councillors on a range of issues, including the upcoming consultation from Springwell Solar Farm and devolution for Greater Lincolnshire to include: Lincolnshire County Council, North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire Councils. Cllr Bailey suggested that devolution is being encouraged, with increased funding being offered from central Government, however, suggested that it might be another layer of bureaucracy and advised there are currently many unanswered questions.
Cllr Bailey spoke passionately about a road traffic accident where she tried to help a young man who had been found unconscious on the roadside. Cllr Bailey spoke about her conversations with the emergency services and the long wait for their arrival at the scene of the incident which resulted in the ambi-copter being called out. Cllr Bailey appealed to Councillors to consider writing to NKDC, LCC and the MP about improving the response times of the emergency services, particularly for rural areas.
Cllr Flett added that the Springwell Solar Farm group have requested to book the Village Hall on 24th January 2024.
Cllr Bailey would like to engage more with residents in the community to gather their opinions particularly on the NHS and on Council funding, digitisation, immigration, and foodbanks. Cllr Bailey would like residents to contact her on her email:
With no further matters, it was resolved to move into session.
68. Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Williams opened the meeting welcoming everyone and thanking them for their attendance; reminding everyone of safety protocols and emergency exits.
69. Apologies
None received.
70. Declaration of Interest.
None received.
71. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the full Council meeting held on 26th September 2023.
Cllr Kerrigan mentioned he was not recorded as being in attendance. The Clerk to amend. Cllr Kerrigan also queried the numbering; the Clerk confirmed that this had been amended. Cllr Kerrigan also clarified that funding may be available on item 63. The Clerk to amend the wording.
Cllr Williams advised he left the meeting at 8:20, not 7:20 as documented. The Clerk to amend.
With the amendments noted above, the minutes of the full Council meeting held on 25th July 2023 were accepted and it was resolved unanimously to adopt the minutes as a true record.
72. To approve the record of accounts for:
a. September
b. October
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the accounts for July and August.
73. To receive the bank reconciliation for:
a. September
b. October
The Clerk provided the bank reconciliation to keep Councillors up to date with the financial status of the Council.
74. To receive a budget review for the second quarter of the financial year.
The provided the budget review for the second quarter of the financial year, for information purposes. The Clerk briefly explained income and expenditure to date and the comparison on the budget from the previous year to the current year.
75. 2024-25 Financial Planning: to consider a draft budget and precept for the 2024-25 financial year.
The Clerk included this on the agenda as the deadline fort precept request is likely to be before the next full Council meeting. LALC advised that it would be possible to have an informal budget meeting without members of the public to discuss the precept and draft budget, however, no decisions could be made until the next full council meeting where it can be noted in the minutes.
On the draft budget for income, the Clerk marked noted that only guaranteed income should be considered, however, noted other income that was expect for information.
Cllr Baumber suggested deferring to allow more time to consider the draft budget and Cllr Nelson advised more quotes were due in for the grass cutting contract which would better inform the budget.
Cllr Frost questioned whether an allocation for the speed could be included. The Clerk advised this would be possible to include and there is sufficient reserves to allow for the purchase of an additional speed sign.
Cllr Frost asked for clarification on the need for the reserve budget. The Clerk advised that the reserve budget includes a contingency fund as detailed in the Financial Regulations.
Cllr Kerrigan requested a fund for the defibrillator be included in the budget.
Councillors thought it was too early to discuss a draft budget and deferred the item.
76. To consider updated policies to be adopted:
a. Dignity at Work
The Clerk advised the policy was based on the model document issued by the National Association of Local Councils. It was resolved unanimously to adopt the Policy.
b. Health and Safety
Cllr Kerrigan reviewed the Health and Safety Policy amended for Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council. It was resolved unanimously to adopt the Policy.
c. Safeguarding Policy
The Clerk provided two examples of safeguarding policies from the LALC website to cherry pick the best aspects of both policies. Cllr Flett advised the policy should be concise and offered to review the policies. It was resolved unanimously to defer to a later date.
77. To receive reports from:
a. Village Hall Committee
• Cllr Flett advised they’d been busy with the MacMillan coffee morning and an orchestra, to raise money.
• There was an art exhibition weekend.
• The Wrinkly Rockers performed.
• A gender reveal party was held in the hall.
• Hall Steps repaired by Balfour Beatty.
• A smart meter will be installed.
• The car park light will be repaired.
• Lights in the hall are to be updated to LEDs in October.
• Cllr Flett completed the annual food hygiene return.
• Coming up is the military wives, and a Christmas warm up.
• Springwell Solar Farm have enquired about booking the hall.
• Some vehicles have got stuck in the car park.
• The artwork for the environment sign has arrived.
b. Playing Field Committee
Cllr Nelson advised some loose bolts have been tightened and repairs have been made, completing works advised from the Ropsa report. Some items will look to be replaced over the next year. The gate post has also been replaced.
The Clerk advised the bark has been ordered.
c. Community Speed Watch
Cllr Frost advised there had be 10 sessions and the recent training session had boosted enthusiasm for the group. 72 speeding cars were detected which is 4% of those surveyed. The areas where speeding is most prevalent are on the B1188 and on Heath Road, accounting for 88% of all speeding vehicles and 81% of all vehicles passing through.
The station commander from RAF Digby has approached the speed watch group to ask if they could operate near their facility. The Clerk advised mentioning to the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to be reviewed.
d. Environmental Report
No report submitted.
e. The Chairman
Cllr Williams went RAF Digby with Cllr Davies to view plans that are to be submitted, as RAF Digby are planning a large development. Cllr Williams mentioned that he is away for Remembrance Sunday and thanked Cllr Flett for laying the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council.
f. The Clerk
The Clerk issued a written report prior to the meeting.
78. To receive a report from Blankney Parish Council regarding the formation of a task and finish action group who will scrutinise a possible planning application for an anaerobic digestion plant in Martin Moor.
Cllr Williams advised the Chairman of Blankney Parish Council was due to attend to provide an update on the task and finish group, but unfortunately did not attend. More information is required from Blankney as to how Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council can assist. The understanding is that Blankney would like local Councils to join forces against the digestion plant. This project will be decided by NKDC.
79. Defibrillators:
a. To receive a report on the defibrillators in the parish.
b. To consider maintenance programmes for the defibrillators.
Cllr Kerrigan issued a report prior to the meeting. Kirkby Green’s defibrillator is in good condition. New pads have been ordered and cover renewed with Community Heartbeat. Community Heartbeat does not over the defibrillator in Scopwick and the guarantee expires in 2024. A new defibrillator will be approximately £1,200.00. The Clerk to research grants available.
Cllr Kerrigan is confident that both defibrillators will work when required and keeps Community Heartbeat up to date on servicing.
80. To consider putting the grass cutting contract out to tender for 2024-2026.
Cllr Baumber reviewed the contract to put out to tender. The Clerk to contact five grounds maintenance firms with the criteria with a two or three year contract. It was resolved unanimously to defer until the next meeting when quotes have been received.
81. To consider installing new benches.
Cllr Flett advised this was regarding the bench on the Springfields estate, where the bench is under a tree and rarely used, in poor condition on a concrete base. Councillors discussed a new location for the bench, preferably not in the shade. Cllr Kerrigan suggested the base is a trip hazard and advised removing the bench.
It was resolved unanimously to ask a contractor to remove the bench and dispose of the materials. The Clerk to arrange.
82. To receive an update on the installation of the flashing speed signs.
Cllr Frost advised there is a meeting with the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) to show the preferred locations of the speed signs. Cllr Williams offered to take delivery of the speed sign.
The Clerk confirmed the LRSP will install the poles and the sign.
83. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or amendments.
a. 23/1306/HOUS | 44 Main Street Scopwick | Erection of single storey rear extension and replacement detached garage
No comments made.
b. 23/1327/HOUS | 38 Heath Road Scopwick | Erection of two storey side extension, single storey front and rear extensions, conversion of existing outbuilding to the rear and new vehicle access.
No comments made.
c. 23/0850/HOUS | 75 Main Street Scopwick | Demolition of existing garage to be replaced by single storey side extension.
A notification of decision. No comments made.
Cllr Baumber commented on issues with receiving notifications of planning applications. The Clerk to contact NKDC to improve communication with the planning department. The Clerk to circulate material considerations for planning applications to Councillors.
84. To receive the correspondence log since the previous meeting.
The Clerk provided a record of the correspondence log for Councillors information.
85. To receive a record of previous resolutions and action points.
The Clerk provided a record of previous resolutions and action points that were ongoing and complete.
86. To confirm the date of an informal budget meeting as Tuesday 16th January 2024.
Councillors confirmed the intention to hold a meeting to consider the draft budget and precept prior to the January full Council meeting, however, with the deadline for the precept request not yet provided by NKDC an extraordinary meeting may be required.
87. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Tuesday 30th January 2024.
It was resolved unanimously to hold the next Full Council meeting on Tuesday 30th January 2024.
Cllr Williams closed the meeting at 9:03pm.