March 2023 Minutes
Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council
The minutes of the meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council held on Tuesday 28th March 2023 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held in Scopwick Village Hall. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.
Cllrs P Baumber (Chair), J Flett (Vice-Chair), A Brackenbury, and J Money.
District Cllr J Clark.
Parish Clerk - J Sargent.
10 members of the public in attendance.
Public Forum
Cllr Baumber welcomed Councillors and residents in attendance, opening the floor to questions from residents.
A resident from Martin spoke representing the Love Martin Moor group opposing the proposed anaerobic digestion plant. The resident wanted to raise awareness of the plans, seeking to approach parish councils to form an organised protest. The resident gave a brief outline of the size of the plant and its possible affects on the area. The mailing list is to stay updated. However, no application has been submitted to NKDC, although LCC will make the decision if plans are submitted.
Cllr Flett advised there are leaflets available in the hall.
A resident spoke about the Scoping Report stating that RSK, who prepare the report are not an independent body, suggesting they would be biased towards these projects as their parent company invest in these projects. The resident went on to list several issues looking to be de-scoped including human health and major accidents and disaster. The local community and interests would be de-scoped. Would like to see a truly independent body carry out a report. the resident stated LA112 is irrelevant to this project and should not be considered. The resident expressed concerns that the land would not be truly returned to its prior condition once the solar farm is decommissioned.
Fencing, CCTV and lighting were also an issue, invasion of privacy.
Cllr Baumber advised the resident that this information had been emailed in and distributed to all Councillors prior to the meeting, and thanked the resident for this information which will no doubt help the Council.
The resident made a final point of requesting another Parish Meeting to invite the community to document the views on the Scoping Report to inform the Council’s response.
Cllr Baumber confirmed the Council welcome information and feedback provided by members of the community.
A resident spoke about the time frame provided to digest the 233-page report, stating that this is not adequate especially to gather feedback from the community. The asked the Council to consider how they will deal with this within the time frame. The resident also questioned how the Council get help from experts on this and whether the Council could hire in an expert.
A resident suggested the Council should have a poll on the Solar Farm.
A resident mentioned that there is a high-pressure aviation fuel line across the north side of the parish.
Cllr Money advised he is well informed about the full line and confirmed it is well monitored, and largely runs along side the road.
A resident suggested the field with the pipeline cannot be used if the solar panels are secured with high fencing.
With no further questions from members of the public, it was resolved to move into full session.
98. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman opened the meeting welcoming everyone and thanking them for their attendance, reminding everyone of safety protocols and emergency exits.
99. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies received from Cllrs T Banks, O Davies and D Nelson; and County Cllr R Kendrick.
100. Declarations of Interest
Cllr J Money on agenda item 15 regarding the Springwell Solar Farm project.
Cllrs P Baumber and A Brackenbury advised of a non-pecuniary interest in item 15.
101. Springwell Solar Farm:
Cllr Baumber brought forward this item due to the interest from members of the public, who may not wish to stay for the remainder of the meeting.
a. To receive an update.
The Clerk updated Councillors on a recent conversation with a representative from Springwell Solar Farm regarding the feedback, who advised that the group are in the process of compiling and reviewing all the feedback they’d received, and a report would be made available later in the year. The Clerk requested answers to questions the Council submitted. The representative advise they wouldn’t usually respond to individual submissions but would try to answer the questions via email. They are also currently conducting site surveys, with a new section on the website with more information.
b. To consider a response to the letter from the Planning Inspectorate regarding Springwell Solar Farm
Cllr Baumber advised the discussion on this item who leave the Council inquorate due to the conflict of interests for members. Cllr Baumber suggested calling an extraordinary meeting, when members who do not have a conflict of interests can be present to discuss the response, before the 20th April deadline.
Cllr Money advised a case officer from NKDC has been designated to this potential application, however, advice from a planner would cost.
Cllr Baumber asked the Clerk to find suitable a date for an extraordinary meeting.
102. Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 31st January 2023 were accepted and it was resolved unanimously to adopt the minutes as a true record.
103. Financial Matters
To approve accounts for:
a. January
b. February
The Clerk briefly explained the accounts, with no other matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the accounts for November and December.
104. To receive the bank reconciliation for:
a. November
b. December
The Clerk provided the bank reconciliation for Councillors.
105. Reports:
a. Neighbourhood Planning Group
The Neighbourhood Plan has been approved by NKDC.
b. Village Hall Committee Report
Cllr Flett reported that:
• The village hall participated in the great winter get together, raising money to put towards the Coronation event.
• The YMCA community officer feature the hall in their good practice publication, providing a grant for £970.00 for a free social community event.
• There are some new regular activities - chill and chat and the wellbeing group.
• The Wrinkly Rockers evening was a success, raising £1,114.07 which will be helping fund the Coronation event, meaning the event will be free. The Wrinkley Rockers will be returning in October.
• The daffodil weekend raised £500.00 for the Stroke Association.
• Shine Lincolnshire held a training event and have re-booked.
• The LED lighting will be installed in the bar, toilets, and kitchen.
• Free broadband is going to be installed by Quickline.
c. Playing Field Committee Report
The committee will be meeting soon. The gate post has been temporarily repaired. There has also been some cockchafer beetle damage to areas of the grass. The area will be rolled and reseeded in the spring. The play area is still well used even through the winter.
d. Community Speed Watch Report
The CSW have been out for 2-3 sessions, the group would like to have done more sessions but limited by the no. of volunteers, illness, bad weather.
e. Police
No report has been provided by the neighbourhood policing team.
f. The Clerk
The Clerk provided an update on the banking access problems with Co-op, the website - which will be updated by the LALC webmaster and current policies under review with LALC which will be sent to Councillors once they’ve been made available.
The Clerk also mentioned an email from a resident regarding a tree interfering with their BT phone line. Councillors advised this was the responsibility of the line owner and that BT will be phasing out landlines in the next few years.
Councillors asked the Clerk to check previous correspondence regarding the curbs around Brookside as a resident reported parking on the green and damage to the grass.
106. To discuss community matters that need referring to the District and County Council representatives for a response.
Neither District nor County Council representatives were in attendance to provide a report.
107. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or amendments.
a. 23/0032/HOUS - 20 Brookside, Scopwick.
The Clerk notified Councillors via email. No comments made.
108. To receive an update on the event to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III in May 2023.
Cllr Flett confirmed that Sunday 7th May will be day the event is held, with a picnic lunch, a hog roast and barn dance in the evening in the village hall. Money is currently being raised for the event. The bar will have to be paid for but drinks for a toast will be provided.
The beacon could be lit in the evening, however, there is no official requirement to do so.
No decision has been made to provide gifts for children. Councillors agreed it would be good to carry on the tradition of providing a commemorative mug and offered support to the organising committee.
109. To consider replacing the damaged waste bins.
Cllr Baumber advised he would investigate which bins need replacing and whether they need posts.
110. To receive the Correspondence Log since the previous meeting.
Councillors asked for clarification on a letter received regarding the Springwell Solar Farm, which was received after the deadline for submissions, however, needs to be added to the Correspondence Log, as well as a letter from RAF Digby - an invite to the annual reception from the station commander.
The Clerk to amend the Correspondence Log.
Cllr Flett updated Councillors on the plans for the newsletter and content, detailing the work the Council have undertaken over the last year.
111.To receive a record of previous resolutions and action points.
The Clerk provided a record of previous resolutions and action points that were ongoing and complete.
112. To approve the date of the next Full Council Meeting.
It was resolved unanimously to hold the Annual Meeting of the Council on Tuesday 16th May 2023.