July 2023 Minutes
Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council
The minutes of the full Council meeting of Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council, held on Tuesday 25th July 2023 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held in Scopwick Village Hall. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record.
Cllrs M Williams (Chair), J Flett (Vice-Chair), P Baumber, D Nelson, and P Frost.
Parish Clerk - J Sargent.
8 members of the public in attendance.
Public Session
Resident 1 highlighted issues with speeding from cars and HGVs on Main Street - B1191 in the parish and asked for more signs to be posted along Main Street. Cllr Williams confirmed tackling the speeding issue is an initiative on the Council. Cllr Frost added the Community Speed Watch have a location near the Limes Nursing Home and this area will be checked as a part of the group’s activities. The Police have been issuing notices to drivers who are speeding as a result of the work of the Community Speed Watch group.
Resident 2 complained of the state of the village, citing that benches are in a terrible state. Cllr Flett advised she voluntarily maintains the benches annually, sanding and varnishing all the benches expect one Springfield under a tree and one in Kirkby Green. Cllr Flett appealed for volunteers to help maintain the upkeep of the benches. Cllr Flett will be doing the annual maintenance before the village show.
Resident 2 also complained of the state of the Limestone Beck running through the parish. Cllr Baumber advised this has historically been a grey area as sections of the Beck form part of people’s property. Responsibility would fall to the landowner. Cllr Baumber also explained the issues with disturbing habitats of wildlife which has the potential to lead to fines and prosecutions. The Clerk advised that the Parish Council received a presentation earlier in the year from East Mercia Rivers Trust who are planning on bringing the Limestone Becks throughout Lincolnshire back to life.
Report from Lincolnshire County Councillor R Kendrick.
Cllr Kendrick reported that the A14 between Martin and Woodhall Spa will have £2 million of funding to improve the road, work will begin in August. The work will be done in 3 phases with some parts of the road being completely rebuilt. Diversions will be in place.
LCC’s children’s services have been rated as outstanding in a recent Ofsted report. Special needs schools have received significant funding to provided better facilities.
Cllr Kendrick also mentioned issues with speeding and potentially extending 30mph zones in Scopwick and Kirkby Green as well as events at Lincoln Castle during the school’s summer holidays.
The Clerk asked if Cllr R Davies, the LCC Executive Councillor responsible for Highways could visit Scopwick and Kirkby Green to discuss speeding issues and adding pedestrian crossings.
North Kesteven District Councillor A Bailey provided a written report, distributed to Councillors via email prior to the meeting.
With no further matters, it was resolved to move into session.
24. Chairman’s Welcome
Cllr Williams welcomed all to the meeting, introduced himself to as a recently elected Councillor and a new Chairman of the Council. Councillors were invited to introduce themselves, their work backgrounds, and interests in being on the Parish Council.
25. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies received from Cllr O Davies.
26. Declaration of Interest.
None received.
27. To invite applicants for co-option to present themselves to the Parish Council and to allow the Councillors to ask questions of the applicants.
Cllr Williams invited the two applicants for co-option Jane Houghton and Charles Kerrigan to tell the Council why they were interested in joining, with further questions asked by Councillors.
Mrs. Houghton provided a brief insight into her working life and long-term residency in the parish, providing details of current volunteering initiatives within the parish, the chill and chatter group, the village show, and ideas of how to engage with young people of the parish. Mrs. Houghton also spoke of challenges the parish face such as the proposed solar farm and anaerobic digestion plant.
Mr. Kerrigan also provided an insight into his working life, long-term residency, and experience in human resources and how those skills are transferable to Council work. Mr. Kerrigan also mention his previous voluntary experiences in the parish with the neighbourhood plan, the Community Speed Watch group, and the playing field committee. Mr. Kerrigan spoke of his desire to improve the Council’s communication with residents and tackling issues such as the solar farm and speeding by expanding Community Speed Watch group.
28. To resolve to exclude the public and the media to discuss confidential matters in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
It was resolved unanimously to exclude the public and the media to discuss and vote on the applicants for co-option.
29. To consider applications for co-option.
Councillors discussed applications for co-option, stating both candidates would be an asset to the Council. The co-option vote was resolved by majority.
30. To resolve to reopen the meeting to the public and the media.
It was resolved unanimously to reopen the meeting to the public and the media.
31. Co-option:
a. To declare the result of the vote.
Cllr Williams declared Charles Kerrigan elected by co-option to the Parish Council.
b. To invite the successful to join the meeting.
Charles Kerrigan joined the meeting as a Councillor. The Clerk provided Cllr Kerrigan with the agenda and supporting information for the remainder of the meeting.
c. The successful candidate to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Cllr Kerrigan and the Clerk signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
32. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 23rd May 2023.
The minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 23rd May 2023 were accepted and it was resolved unanimously to adopt the minutes as a true record.
33. To approve the record of accounts for:
a. May
b. June
With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the accounts for May and June.
34. To receive the bank reconciliation for:
a. May
b. June
The Clerk provided the bank reconciliation to keep Councillors up to date with the financial status of the Council.
Cllr Frost requested that the bank statements be made available with the bank reconciliation. The Clerk to arrange for future meetings.
35. To approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) forms for the 2022-23 financial year.
a. To approve section 1, points 1 - 9 of the Annual Governance Statement.
Cllr Williams read through points 1 - 9. It was resolved unanimously to mark yes on points 2, 3, and 5-8 and N/A on point 9. Points 1 and 4 were marked no as the deadline was extended with the external auditor which fell outside the dates detailed on the AGAR form.
b. To approve section 2, the Accounting Statement.
Lines 3, 4, and 6 required an explanation to be submitted to the external auditor as the variance on these lines is greater than 15%. For line 3, the Council received a grant of £7,419 and a VAT refund of £5,168 in 2021/22. Other receipts in 2022/23 were significantly lower. Line 4 - Staff Costs, were significantly lower, as the Council were without a Clerk for a long period of time. No salary was paid until September of 2022/23. In line 6, the Council's expenditure included: £1,072.36 for village improvements, £7,911.00 for the playing field project, £7,560.14 for Neighbourhood Planning expenses, £2,545.20 for the Kirkby Green Defibrillator, £1,466.40 for picnic tables and benches. Similar projects were not continued in 2022/23.
It was resolved unanimously to approve the Accounting Statement and submit the Annual Return to the external auditors.
36. To receive a budget review for the first quarter of the financial year.
The provided the budget review for the first quarter of the financial year for Councillors for information purposes. The Clerk briefly explained income and expenditure to date and the comparison on the budget from the previous year to the current year.
37. To receive reports from:
a. The Chairman
Cllr Williams reported attending Chairman’s training with LALC and his intention of becoming more active in the community. Cllr Williams also asked for guidance where possible from previous Chairmen on the Council.
b. The Clerk
The Clerk reported that:
- Working on resolving issues with trees on the green.
- Research into speed sign prices and potential installation issues.
- Liaising with NKDC over the Community Infrastructure Levy payment.
- Attending further training and studying for Introduction to Local Council Administration (ILCA) qualification continued, with the first 3 exams passed with marks of 95%, 100%, and 85%. There are 2 exams to go, with the intention of joining the autumn intake for the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) qualification.
38. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or amendments.
The Clerk provided information on a planning application for the Granaries. Councillors requested further information such as a site plan. The Clerk to send to Councillors via email.
The Clerk to contact NKDC’s planning department to confirm contact details for planning notifications.
39. To consider a reply to the Gately Hamer letter regarding Springwell Solar Farm.
Cllr Williams advised this letter had been sent to landowners in the parish where land might be affected by the Springwell Solar Farm development. Cllr Baumber advised that he also received this letter as a landowner, stating in his reply he wouldn’t be spending the time and money on the information requested when the plans are not yet in place.
Further discussion took place on land in Scopwick and Kirkby Green Parish Council are responsible for. It was resolved unanimously to decline to comment until further information had been received in the form of a definitive plan apart from confirming that the Parish Council have an interest in the land.
40. To consider installing flashing speed signs on the B1188.
Cllr Frost led the debate having provided a detailed report to Councillors prior to the meeting regarding a numerous traffic calming measures in the parish. Councillors considered a wide range of options including larger 30 mph signs, white gates at the entrance of the parish, extending the 30mph zone, reducing the speed limit between Scopwick and Kirkby Green.
No provision for flashing speed signs in the budget for the current financial year have been allocated. However, the Council could use the reserves to fund this purchase. Cllr Baumber suggested applying for grants to help fund the purchase of the signs.
It was resolved unanimously to spend up to £3,000.00 towards the purchase of a flashing speed signs, and to work towards securing grants for further signs to be purchased and installed in the parish.
The Clerk to forward the report to County Councillor R Kendrick and arrange the LCC Executive Councillor R Davies - responsible for Highways to visit the parish and discuss these options.
41. To consider purchasing additional bark for the play area.
Cllr Nelson advised a member of the local Brownies group had an accident at the play area causing a fracture in the arm.
Cllr Nelson requested the Council fund additional bark to be placed in the toddler section of the play area and vandalism to benches which will be repaired.
The Clerk advised NKDC recently paid £662.00 to the Parish Council as a part of the Community Infrastructure Levy which would help fund items such as this. It was resolved unanimously to approve the purchase of additional bark for the play area. Cllr Nelson to forward the details to the Clerk. Cllr Baumber offered to take delivery of the bark.
Cllr Nelson also mentioned the need to replace the gate post at the play area and will research a replacement. It was resolved unanimously to approve the purchase a replacement post.
42. To approve outstanding invoices to be paid.
a. Insurance.
It was resolved unanimously to approve payment of the invoice.
43. To receive the correspondence log since the previous meeting.
The Clerk provided a record of the correspondence log for Councillors information.
44. To receive a record of previous resolutions and action points.
The Clerk provided a record of previous resolutions and action points that were ongoing and complete.
45. To resolve to exclude the public and the media to discuss confidential matters in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
It was resolved unanimously to exclude the public and the media to discuss confidential matters.
46. To consider confidential staffing matters.
Confidential staffing matters are yet to be resolved as Councillors required further information.
The Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 9:10pm.