PFC Minutes March 2019

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Playing Field Committee

Minutes of the meeting held on the 11th March 2019 at Scopwick Village Hall

1. Present: David (Chair), Charlie and Angela and Jane.

Tracy and Rosa sent their apologies.

David welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Sarah had stepped down from the Committee due to other commitments, she was thanked for her contribution.

2 The draft minutes of the meeting held on the 13th November 2018 were approved by those present at that meeting and signed by the Chair as a true record.

3. Financial Report.

Jane confirmed that the Race Night at the end of November had raised a total of £1079.20 after expenses and the Playing Field Committee bank balance stood at £5633.90. The sponsors for the Race Night will be sent letters advising them of the money raised and thanking them for their contribution.

4. Inspection Report.

Since the last meeting David had inspected and had replaced and secured the boards retaining the bark chippings.

Jane had taken over in February and had replaced a missing screw, aeriated the bark and pulled up weeds. Neil is to take over the weekly inspections from 1 April.

5. Issues Considered.

(a) Maintenance

Large areas of the playing field turf had been damaged due to Chafer bugs and birds digging them out. It was agreed that the Parish Council should be asked to purchase additional grass seed. The Clerk will contact P Scholey to assess the area to be reseeded, supply suitable seed and roll the area post seeding.

New play bark had been ordered and it was agreed that volunteers would spread the bark on Saturday 30th March at 9.30am.

The Clerk will ask for volunteers to meet at the playing field.

Jane reported that the roof of the cabin required some attention. She agreed to look at this.

(b) Future Plans

Lincolnshire Co-op had agreed that the purchase of a large basket swing would be funded in part from their Community Champions scheme which runs between June and September this year.

The Clerk is looking for funding to replace the majority of the existing equipment. The next step is to ask for three quotes for the equipment to include designs which will be put before the Committee at the next meeting.

(c) Fundraising

It was decided to concentrate efforts on the Village Show on Saturday 3rd August instead of a separate event in June. The availability and suitability of the NKDC climbing wall will be checked by the Clerk and the Village Hall Committee advised.

It was agreed that the very successful race night will be repeated on the evening of the 23rd November 2019. The Clerk is to book the village hall.

It was suggested that a rural touring group could be invited to put on a show for children.

6. Agenda items for next meeting:

New play equipment and the Village Show.

7. Date for the next meeting: Monday 20th May at 7:30pm.

Minutes prepared by the Parish Clerk Jill Moran.