NPG Minutes 27 January 2022

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Neighbourhood Planning Group Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th January 2022 on-line via Skype



Peter Reeds (PR), Owen Davies (OD) David Nelson (DN), Helen Metcalfe (HM) and Charles Kerrigan (CK).

1.    The meeting was opened with the Chairman and members attending via Skype from home addresses. PR welcomed all to the meeting.  

2.    Apologies for absence – None

3.    Declarations of Interest – None were received.

4.    Minutes of the last meeting – Minutes of the meeting held on 5th October 2021 were agreed. 

5.    Action Items from the meeting held on 5th October 2021

PR had redrafted the NP timeline for completion.
CK had sent out a covering letter by email to all official consultees. 
CK had obtained printing costs for the hard copy cover letter and questionnaire for distribution to the Parish. 
CK had also obtain printing costs for two copies of the draft NP.
The Group had held Parish Q&A session in the Village Hall on Saturday 6th 
November and Saturday 4th December 2021.

6.    Draft NP  -  HM thanked the Group for providing summaries of the replies to the Reg 14 phase of the consultation process.  The summaries included feedback for the Parish and statutory consultees.  She briefed the Group that she had incorporated most of the feedback where relevant into the draft Plan. However, there were several issues that needed further discussion and resolution.  HM and the Group discussed each issue, and most of the issues were resolved in order that the Plan could be finalised.  However, the following were to be actioned:

Action Points

The Group were to review their historical NP files to ensure all early work on the initial Plan was included within the Draft Plan.
OD was to determine if it was possible for the PC website to hold a separate file with the Plan’s high-resolution maps to ensure access to clear images.
PR was to provide the Reg 14 consultation dates to HM.
CK was to revisit Para 81/82 of the Draft Plan regarding a cycle path from Scopwick to Blankney and revise if required.
The Group were to check the PC website when the finalised draft Plan and maps file were live for ease of access and clarity.

7.     NP Timeline update - The Group believed that the draft plan submission could be by the end of February. There would follow a 6-week publicity period followed by an examination in either April or May, but this was dependent upon NKDC appointing an examiner.  Once the examiner’s queries were addressed a final report could be ready by June with a possible public referendum organised by NKDC in July or Sept 2022.

8.    Funding and Finance 2021/22 – HM briefed the Group on her current time incurred preparing the draft Plan. So far, she had spent 3.25 days, but needed a further day after the feedback from the meeting to complete Reg 14 revisions (4.25 days). In addition, she estimated a further 3 days to have the Plan ready for the examiner’s phase of the project. Therefore, the budget needed to cover 7.25 days at a cost of £3625. HM also pointed out post examination phase there would be a likelihood for some input estimated 1-2 days, and 1 day to amend the Plan if NKDC declined to so. PR agreed to review the current budget to ensure there was sufficient funds to cover HM’s estimated costs.

Action point

PR was to review the current budget to ensure there was sufficient funds to cover HM’s estimated costs.

9.    Date of next meeting - The next NPG working meeting was to be notified pending the receipt of the final issue of the draft NP.