NPG Minutes 11 March 2021

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Neighbourhood Planning Group

Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th March 2021 on-line via Skype

Peter Reeds (PR), Owen Davies (OD), David Nelson (DN) and Charles Kerrigan (CK).

1. The meeting was opened with the Chairman and members attending via Skype
from home addresses. PR welcomed all to the meeting.

2. Apologies for absence – None.

3. Declarations of Interest – None were received.

4. Minutes of the last meeting – Minutes of the meetings held on 4th February 2021
were agreed.

5. Action Items from the meeting held on 4th February 2021 were as follows:
- The NPG were to meet on 11th March 2021 to review the Community
Consultation submissions.

6. Consultation Questionnaire/Survey Results and Analysis - The Group were pleased
with the quantity of the Parish responses to the questionnaire/survey, and the final returns
were as follows: Survey Monkey on-line – 38, Scopwick hard copies – 38, Kirkby Green
hard copies – 14 gave a total of – 90 replies. This produced a 31.6% return rate based upon
285 hard copies hand delivered across the Parish. There were 3 questions via the
Clerk and 1 question via the Parish Facebook received from residents during the process.
Each question was answered before the closing date. It was agreed that the replies would
be complied by the Group into an Excel sheet for ease of analysis and further discussion.
DN and CK agreed to draft up a suitable Excel sheet. It was also agreed that a communications
piece would be carried out to thank the Parish for the replies. This could take the
form of an entry on the Parish Facebook page, a submission within the Parish magazine,
posters on the notice boards, a page on the Parish website and finally the Group would
ask Janet Flett to include a few words on her Parish newsletter. PR agreed to submit a
summary of the replies for the next Parish Council meeting.

Action Items
- DN and CK were to draft a suitable Excel sheet for the replies.
- The Group were to enter the replies on the agreed sheet.
- The Group were to carry out a communications piece to thank the Parish for
their replies.
- PR was to submit a summary of the replies for the next Parish Council meeting.

7. Funding and Finance 2021/22 - The current balance regarding the funding/finance
status was £0. This was due to the Westgate invoice for the consultation documents being
paid and the balance refunded to Groundwork UK for 2020/21 financial year end. PR
briefed the Group that he would be submitting a further NP funding application for the new
financial year 2021/22.

8. Date of next meeting - The next NPG working meeting was to be held at 1600hrs to
1800hrs on Wednesday 24th March 2021.