NPG Minutes 22 January 2021

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Neighbourhood Planning Group Minutes of the Meeting held on 22nd January 2021 on-line via Skype


Peter Reeds (PR), John Woodward (JW), Owen Davies (OD), David Nelson (DN) and Charles Kerrigan (CK).

1.    The meeting was opened with the Chairman and members attending via Skype from home addresses. PR welcomed all to the meeting.

2.    Apologies for absence – None.

3.    Declarations of Interest – None were received.

4.    Minutes of the last meeting – Minutes of the meetings held on 8th January 2021 were agreed. 

5.    Action Items from the meeting held on 8th January 2021 were as follows:

-    The task of supplying suitable map images and details for the NP was progress-ing with; OD DN and JW.

-    PR had draft up a covering letter and circulated the document to the Group and Helen Metcalf (HM) for consideration. 

-    CK had drafted a questionnaire circulated the document to the Group and HM for consideration. 

-    CK had combined the Group comments on the draft Plan V1 and distribute to HM for her to amend the draft.

-    The submission of applications for additional funding is covered at item 8.

6.    Preparation Community Consultation PR had produced a final draft consultation covering letter and CK had also produced a final draft questionnaire for the Parish members regarding site selections and development process. The art work that was used for the first questionnaire cover sheet would be reused, in the main, with amendment to the central wording.  JW agreed to source the original art work and CK was to amend the wording. The Group agreed that due to the current Covid-19 restrictions the consultation and questionnaire would be hand delivered out and any questions would be via the Clerk. There would be an equivalent Survey Monkey on-line return available to run in parallel with the hard copy distribution.  With suitable precautions and a Risk Assessment (RA) in place the Group believed that hard copy returns should be returned via Covid-19 secure drop off points.  It was agreed that suitable return boxes were to be placed in the Scopwick Holy Cross porch and in the old telephone box at Kirby Green to enable collection.  CK agreed to draft up a RA and research the provision of suitable boxes.  The Group felt that a 14 day consultation period should still be sufficient for hard copy returns with a target mail out date of 5th February 2021. It was also agreed that OD’s Parish Magazine insert could be used to inform the Parish members of the pending consultation via: Parish notice boards, Parish Facebook, NPG/PC websites, the Limespring Magazine and Janet Flett’s newsletter. It was also agreed that DN would place a large “A frame” notice board on Main Street to remind Parish members to submit their returns, plus if possible a notice on Brack’s Garage window. CK agreed to obtain a printing quote from Westgate Printers Sleaford once the consolation document was in its final form and ready to print. 

 Action items;

-    JW was to source the original art work used on the first questionnaire and distribute to the Group. CK was to amend the wording. 

-    CK was to draft up a suitable RA and research the provision of suitable return boxes.

-    OD was to place his Limespring Magazine insert on the Parish notice boards and Facebook.

-     CK was to arrange for the Limespring Magazine insert to be placed on NPG/PC websites and ask Janet Flett if it could be included with in one of her newsletters.

-    DN was to place a large “A frame” notice board on Main Street a notice on Brack’s Garage window remind Parish members to submit their returns.  

-    CK was to obtain a printing quote from Westgate Printers Sleaford once the consolation document was in its final form and ready to print. 

7.    HM's Draft NPv1- Outstanding Questions/Issues The Group had received the draft NPv1 and had produced their observations and feedback.  CK had combined the comments and distributed to HM, and she had by return issued a draft NPv2.  However, there were a number of comments/issues on v1 that the Group discussed, and would be highlighted to HM at the catch-up meeting on Thursday 28th January 2021. The Group were to produce their observations and feedback on v2 by Wednesday 27th January 2021 to CK. PR informed the Group that he had a conference call with Mr Dunn The Limes agent. Mr Dunn confirmed that the owners intentions of developing the site had not changed, but had been slowed down with the Covid-19 restrictions.  Hence, the draft and indeed the final NP can only proceed on the basis of the information available.  The Group were aware of a live preplanning consultation on the site.  This preplanning was for a supported living development accommodating vulnerable people of all ages.

Action item;

-    The Group were to produce their observations and any feedback on v2 by Wednesday 27th January 2021 to CK for consolidation and distribution to HM.

8.    Funding and Finance Update The current balance regarding the funding/finance status was £1875. PR/OD was in the process of reviewing the current NP funding and would submit additional funding applications, via the Clerk, by 31st January 2021.

Action item;

-    PR/OD was to submit applications for additional funding by 31st January 2021.

9.    Date of next meeting The next NPG working meeting was to be held at 1600hrs to 1800hrs on Thursday 4th February 2021.