NPG Minutes 8 June 2020

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Neighbourhood Planning Group Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th June 2020 on-line via Skype


John Woodward(JW), Owen Davies (OD), John Money (JFM), Peter Reeds(PR), and Charles Kerrigan (CK).

The meeting was opened with the Chairman and members attending via Skype from home addresses.

1. Apologies for absence – None.

2. Minutes of the last meeting – Minutes of the meeting held on 29th April 2020 were agreed.

3. Action Items from the last meeting held on 29th April 2020 were as follows:

- Due to the C-19 situation JFM was still in the process of testing the Call Connect system to determine how the booking of a vehicle functioned.

- PR had replied to NKDC response to the AECOM HNA, and thanked them for their assistance.

- JW had redrafted NP programme, and was to have it submitted to the PC for their update and authorisation.

- CK had submitted the amended ToRs to the Clerk, and they had been approved.

- CK had informed the Clerk of the NPG membership and positions for the coming year.

- CK had completed and returned his Declaration of Interests forms to the Clerk. JW and PR were to complete the forms.

4. Village consultation, communication and update – After a lengthy discussion and to avoid any future confusion, it was agreed that CK would channel all NP communications to the PC via the Clerk. The village consultation piece of work would be held over until the AECOM site assessment and design codes reports were completed. However, the Group felt that due to the work that had been carried out since the last news letter was published an update was required to keep the Parishioners informed of the NP progress. CK was to draft up a suitable news letter and have it displayed and distributed.

Action points – NPG members would channel all NP communications to CK for the PC via the Clerk.

- CK was to draft up a suitable news letter.

5. Local green spaces and their designation – The Group felt that the Parish green spaces and designation needed to be ratified as part of the NP process. It was agreed that OD would draft up a list of current Parish green spaces.

Action point – OD would draft up a list of current Parish green spaces.

6. AECOM draft site assessment report and HM's comments – The Group discussed at some length the AECOM draft site assessment report and HM's comments. Each site and its AECOM traffic light coding were analysed along with HM’s comments. The Group found that the AECOM use of a satellite Google map and their site coding numbers were confusing when compared to the maps and identifications that had been supplied by the Group. However, in the main the Group agreed with the AECOM draft report, but felt that there were some anomalies that needed to be addressed before the report was finalised; eg site 18 near RAF Digby. The Group felt that as the C-19 restrictions were being eased an AECOM visit to the Parish should be carried out to in the near future to resolve the anomalies. The Group also felt that Parish land owners with an AECOM coding of amber and green sites should be contacted in the near future to inform them of the report’s findings and implications. It was agreed PR would contact AECOM and thank them for the draft report, but highlighting the anomalies and invite them to carry out an on-site survey.

CK was to contact HM and thank her for her comments on the draft report.

Action point – PR was to contact AECOM and thank them for the draft report, but highlight the anomalies, and invite them to carry out an on-site survey.

- CK was to thank HM for her comments on the draft AECOM report.

7. Affordable Housing (AH) for sale with Entry Level Exception Sites – This item was discussed at paragraph 6 as part of the site analysis. However, it was felt that although there could be extra funding available to assist with identifying AH that clarity was needed for the way ahead. JFM agreed to contact Locality and determine the funding available to assist with this part of the NP process.

Action point – JFM was to contact Locality and determine what funding was available to assist with this part of the NP.

8. Future designation of Kirkby Green(KG) - This item was discussed at paragraph 6 as part of the site analysis. However, it was felt that an update to KG’s designation was required. CK was to contact Mr. Phil Hylton for an update on the KG’s designation.

Action point – CK was to contact Mr. Phil Hylton for an update on the KG’s designation.

9. Future Funding and Finance Update – PR briefed the meeting that there had been no change to the funding figures since the last meeting.

10. NPG Programme, Redraft of Target Dates and Terminology – This item was covered at action items at paragraph 3. (JW had redrafted NP programme, and was to have it submitted to the PC for their information and authorisation).

11. Date of next meeting – The next NPG working meeting was to be held when the Group had received the AECOM replies to the draft site assessment and design codes report.