NPG Minutes 24 March 2021

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Neighbourhood Planning Group Minutes of the Meeting held on 24th March 2021 on-line via Skype



Peter Reeds (PR), Owen Davies (OD), David Nelson (DN) and Charles Kerrigan (CK).

1.    The meeting was opened with the Chairman and members attending via Skype from home addresses. PR welcomed all to the meeting.  At this point, as agreed by the Chairman, Mr. John Woodward (JW) joined the meeting.  JW asked four general questions and was briefed by PR as follows:

-    There had been an excellent response to the questionnaire/survey with about a 30% return rate taking into consideration duplicate household submissions..
-    The replies were being analysed but the initial findings were that all the proposed sites were seen by the Parish as favourable for selection and possible development.
-    The analysis of the replies was to be published once the Parish Council (PC) had been briefed. 
-    Immediate future actions were for the PC to endorse the site findings, and an application made for future funding.

At this point JW left the meeting. 

2.    Apologies for absence – None.

3.    Declarations of Interest – None were received.

4.    Minutes of the last meeting – Minutes of the meetings held on 11th March 2021 were agreed. 

5.    Action Items from the meeting held on 11th March 2021 were as follows:

-    DN and CK had drafted a suitable Excel sheet for the replies.
-    The Group had entered the replies on the agreed sheet.
-    The Group were in the process of carrying out a co-ordinated communications piece to thank the Parish for their replies.
-    PR had drafted a summary of the replies for the next Parish Council meeting and was discussed below at para 6.

6.    Consultation Questionnaire/Survey Results and Analysis - The Group’s initial as-sessment of the replies was that all the proposed sites were seen by the Parish as fa-vourable for selection and possible development. This was based upon a 31.6% return rate from 285 hard copies hand delivered across the Parish. The Group felt that the re-sults should be shown to Helen Metcalf once the funding was in place for her continued consultation and advice. It was also felt that the data from the questionnaire/survey should be published on the PC website for all to view, but suitably anonymised. However, the Group were unsure of the balance between data protection and freedom of infor-mation.  CK agreed to ask the Clerk for advice and if need be for an expert opinion before the results and comments were published. PR agreed to prepare some responses to con-cerns raised and comments made via the questionnaire/survey for publishing on the PC website. PR had drafted a summary of the replies for the next PC meeting, and it was agreed that it should be given to the PC in its current form. It was also agreed that a co-ordinated communications piece would be carried out to thank the Parish for the replies after the PC meeting.

Action Items

-    CK was to ask the Clerk for advice regarding data protection and freedom of 
information before the results and comments were published. 
-    PR was to prepare some responses to concerns raised and comments made via the questionnaire/survey for possible publishing on the PC website.
-    PR was to submit a summary of the replies for the next PC meeting.
-    The Group were to carry out a co-ordinated communications piece to thank the Parish for the replies after the next PC meeting.

7.    Funding and Finance 2021/22 - The current balance regarding the funding/finance status was £0. PR briefed the Group that he would be submitting a further NP funding application for the new financial year 2021/22 once the information was available on the Locality website. 
8.    Date of next meeting - The next NPG working meeting was to be held on either 15th or 22nd April 2021 subject to suitable funding being available to progress the Plan.