NPG Minutes 29 April 2020

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Neighbourhood Planning Group Minutes of the Meeting held on 29th April 2020 on-line via Skype


John Woodward(JW), Owen Davies (OD), John Money (JFM), Peter Reeds(PR), and Charles Kerrigan (CK).

The meeting was opened with the Chairman and members attending via Skype from home addresses, but due to technical difficulties OD joined at item 4.

1. Apologies for absence – The Clerk was invited to join the meeting for item 9, but unfortunately was unable to attend.

2. Minutes of the last meeting – Minutes of the meeting held on 4th February 2020 were agreed. However, JW explained that he had been prevented by technical issues from being present at the discussion of the V&Os item at the last meeting, and he had found inconsistencies in the list of agreed Objectives which he believed to be unexplained. JW then proposed the addition to Community Objective 1 "...and that where possible add to the sociability of the community". The amended Community Objective 1 was to read "To allow sustainable housing development that is limited in scale reflecting the size of the settlement and the capacity of the local infrastructure (particularly drainage) and that where possible add to the sociability of the community". This proposal did not find a seconder, and therefore the amendment was not agreed.

3. Action Items from the last meeting held on 4th February 2020 were as follows:

- Due to the C-19 situation JFM was still in the process of testing the Call Connect system to determine how the booking of a vehicle functioned.

- PR had followed up with AECOM for the issue of the assessment report.

- The Group or Clerk had contacted J Middleton, J Flett and Blankney Estates Ltd to submit their replies to the call for sites letter.

- CK had circulated the final agreed V&Os document to the Group.

- CK had drafted and distributed a news letter for the Parish as an updated on the NP progress.

- PR had researched the future funding processes and had submitted applications for funds.

4. Confirmation of HM appointment for future NP consultancy – After a brief discussion it was agreed that HM should continue any future NP consultancy subject to the suitable funding being in place to cover the costs.

5. Response from NKDC on AECOM HNA – Due to the C-19 situation the planned NPG meeting with NKDC had been cancelled. However, it was felt that an NPG response to the comments made by NKDC still needed to be addressed. PR agreed, with assistance from HM, to comment on the NKDC response and thank them for their assistance. When the C-19 restrictions are eased it was agreed to arrange a follow up NPG meeting with NKDC with site assessments and design codes as part of an agenda.

Action point – PR to comment on the NKDC response and thank them for their assistance.

6. The Way Forward, Strategy and Plan “B” – The Group discussed at some length the way forward should funding become unavailable to progress the plan. It was agreed that the redraft of the NP programme would form the base of the strategy and was discussed further at item 9. However, it was felt that a plan “B”, of basically what could be carried out in-house by the Group to complete the plan, could be drawn up if further funding was unavailable.

7. NPG internal processes, communication and responsibilities – There was some discussion regarding the NPG internal processes. The Group were reminded about the lines of communications to HM and with other organisations.

8. Future Funding and Finance Update – PR briefed the meeting that the total grant applied for was £8625; being £8,000 in regard to consultant fees and £625 re travelling expenses (HMs and NPG) , printing costs , postage , hall hire and website.

9. NPG Programme, redraft of target dates and ToRs terminology – JW had redrafted the NPG programme and circulated it to the Group prior to the meeting. In the main it was felt that the redrafted programme was a fair view of the next 12 to 15 months if funding does become available. However, it was agreed that the Group due to the C-19 restrictions were not in a position to host any Public Meetings in the near future. It was felt that the community needed to be engaged with the current situation regarding the NP process. It was agreed that JFM would contact Locality and gain their advice on how best to engage the community under the C-19 restrictions. JW agreed to redraft the programme to reflect the feedback from Locality regarding community engagement. CK briefed the Group that he had reviewed the NPG ToRs and would address a couple of minor issues with the Clerk.

Action points – JFM was to contact Locality and gain their advice on how best to engage the community under the C-19 restrictions.

- JW was to redraft the programme to reflect the feedback from Locality.

- CK was to contact the Clerk with the minor issues with the ToRs.

10. NPG members and Positions – It was agreed that there should be no changes to the current NPG membership or positions held. CK was to inform the Clerk of on-going NPG membership and positions held.

Action point – CK was to inform the Clerk of the NPG membership and positions.

11. Declaration of Interests - CK had contacted the Clerk regarding the issue of the Groups declaration of interests. The Clerk had sent the necessary forms to JW, PR and CK to complete and return. JFM and OD as Parish Councillors had already completed this action. The Clerk also advised that there was no requirement to a standing item of Declaration of Interests at NPG meetings.

Action point – JW, PR and CK were to complete and return their Declaration of Interests forms to the Clerk.

12. Date of next meeting – The next NPG working meeting was to be held when either; appropriate future funding had been secured, or if funding was withheld to determine and initiate a plan “B”.