NPG Minutes 6 July 2020

Scopwick and Kirkby Green Neighbourhood Planning Group Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th July 2020 on-line via Skype


John Woodward(JW), Owen Davies (OD), John Money (JFM), Peter Reeds(PR), and Charles Kerrigan (CK).

The meeting was opened with the Chairman and members attending via Skype from home addresses.

1. Apologies for absence – None.

2. Minutes of the last meeting – Minutes of the meeting held on 8th June 2020 were agreed.

3. Action Items from the last meeting held on 8th June 2020 were as follows:

- Due to the C-19 situation JFM was still in the process of testing the Call Connect system to determine how the booking of a vehicle functioned.

- CK had drafted up a suitable news letter and it had been distributed.

- OD compiled a list of current Parish green spaces.

- PR had contacted AECOM and thanked them for the draft report, and highlighted the anomalies.

- CK thanked HM for her comments on the draft AECOM report.

- JFM had contacted Locality to determine what funding was available to assist with Affordable Housing. This was further discussed at item 7.

- CK had contacted Mr. Phil Hylton for an update on the KG’s designation which the Group had seen.

4. Village consultation, communication – JW had produced a V&O briefing paper and draft questionnaire. The documents had been distributed read and commented upon by the Group prior to the meeting. However, a lengthy Group discussion on the merits of the draft questionnaire being distributed to all parishioners was carried out.

JW proposed that the V&Os questionnaire was printed and delivered to each household, collected once completed and a review of the comments carried out. However, there was no seconder for his proposal and consequently it would not taken forward.

JFM proposed that due to the C-19 situation the Group should highlight the V&Os using all electronically methods of communication. Including; emails, PC and NPG websites and social media, parish news magazine together with posting notices on the relevant boards. To reach out to non on-line parishioners a hard copy could be sent by mail. The aim was to invite comments on the V&Os.

JFM’s proposal was seconded by PR and the matter was carried.

Action points – CK was to place the V&Os on the NPG website. Arrange for the link to be distributed; via Janet Flett’s news letter, Parish magazine, PC website, notice board posters and the S&KG Face Book page. CK was to determine from the Clerk if a list of parishioners that did not have access to social media existed.

5. S&KG Face Book page – The Group discussed this item as part of item 4.

6. Update on AECOM draft site assessment and design codes reports – PR informed the Group that the reports were still outstanding. Apparently, an AECOM parish site visit had been carried out on Friday 26th June 2020.

7. Affordable Housing (AH) for sale – JFM briefed the Group that he had contacted Locality to determine scope and funding available to assist with this part of the NP process for 30% discount on new builds for first time buyers. However, he was still awaiting feedback from Locality on the guidance and process for funding.

8. Clarification of Disclosable Pecuniary, Financial, and Personal Interests – JFM informed the Group that the PC had adopted the latest Code of Conduct which sets out rules governing the behaviour of their members. JFM informed the Group and declared a financial interest as he had submitted a planning application to build a property off Main Street.

9. Future Funding and Finance Update – PR briefed the meeting that there had been no change to the funding figures since the last meeting. JFM raised the subject of the draft budget, he suggested when all of HM’s costs have been paid out of a total Locality grant of £17k, also taking into consideration the monies that have already been paid, there will be approximately a balance of £1k to be spent on incidentals. PR agreed it would be about that figure.

10. Date of next meeting – The next NPG working meeting was to be held when the Group had received the AECOM draft site assessment and design codes reports.